Open Devin : Making an autonomous AI engineer for exploratory data analysis

Yogendra Sisodia
2 min readMar 31, 2024


Open Devin


Open Devin is an open-source project designed to mimic Devin, an autonomous AI software engineer with the ability to carry out challenging engineering tasks and actively participate in user collaboration on software development projects. This project uses the strength of the open-source community to reproduce, improve, and innovate upon Devin. We are going to set up our agent and will try to provide an excel file to do a basic exploratory data analysis and generate the charts too.

Here is what Interface looks like:

UI OpenDevin

following tech stack is needed

Visual Studio Code ::
Anaconda ::
Git ::
Node.js ::
Docker ::

Installation Steps

## Create conda environment
>> conda create -n opendevin python=3.11
## Use this new conda environment within Visual Studio Code
See this link ::
## Pull Docker
>> docker pull
## Git Clone
>> git clone

The directory is 'OpenDevin' directory

For Running Backend do following in this 'OpenDevin' directory using new 'command prompt'

>> python -m pip install pipenv
>>python -m pipenv install -v
>>python -m pipenv shell
>>uvicorn opendevin.server.listen:app --port 3000

For Running Frontend do following in this 'OpenDevin/frontend' directory using new 'command prompt'

>> npm install
>> npm start

Providing Input and Expecting Output

In the workspace directory, you can provide some Excel files, and all output (Python file generation) also happens in the same directory.

Sample File for Exploratory Data Analysis
Sample File for Exploratory Data Analysis

You can then ask questions regarding these files in UI

YouTube Link:



Yogendra Sisodia

AI Leader. Sales-Tech, Mar-Tech and Legal-Tech Specialist.