The 2 finest benefits of opting for the Renovation and Cleaning of glass

3 min readOct 14, 2022

Planning to honor your employees for their extraordinary contributions to the organization or community? Do not settle for anything less, but the best of souvenirs made exquisitely with art glass via 3D laser engravings. Such top-of-the-line art glass memorabilia will last for years, if not generations, reminding the accolades the employees have received for their excellent achievements and motivating them simultaneously.

However, these keepsakes made with art glass or crystal also accumulate dirt and filth over time and need to be cleaned and restored with proper care. Sweden Crystal Design AB, the leading glassworks manufacturer, and designer furnish an all-in-one procedure for the Renovation and Cleaning of glass that is displayed as souvenirs on the premises and public spaces.

What Are The Different Benefits Of Using Art Glass Souvenirs?

1. Art Glass Awards Are Simply Timeless and Can Be Easily Customized

Awards that glitter brilliantly under the spotlight can be the best souvenirs that should be offered for professional recognition programs. Unlike the chiseled mass-produced metal pieces, the art souvenirs are extremely durable and stand the test of time. Such exquisite art glass or crystal keepsake also looks highly sophisticated, appealing, and ageless, and is always the centerpiece for any presentation ceremony. These unique art glass memorabilia can be custom-made in different designs, shapes, and sizes as per the specific corporate award category. One can also insert the awardees’ names at the bottom to bring in more attraction.

2. Available In Distinct Designs and Functions

Besides, these one-of-a-kind sculpted art glass Swedish mementos can be ordered in uniquely discrete dimensions and colors, and modeled to fulfill distinct purposes. In this context, such exclusive mementos can be easily personalized as per the particular standards and specifications of the clients and maintain the EU standards. Moreover, such superior quality art glass items can be made with highly elegant motifs, along with unique floral arrangements, and abstract arts such as small and large designer flower vases in frosted and simple patterns.

In addition, other distinct configurations with glass jugs, candle lanterns, butterflies, or intricately sculpted heart patterns can also be carved out using the 3D laser photoengraving technique. Such top-of-the-line natural pictographic representations, along with wildlife, human figurines, busts, and exquisite abstract patterns are simply seamless as awards and showcase the beauty of interior zones, and offices.

Let us find out a unique restoration technique for art glass keepsakes:

Soap and Water Method

Cleaning and restoring sandblasted and frosted art glass souvenirs is undeniably a highly sophisticated process. The artisans need to apply a permanent protective coating to the sandblasted or 3D laser-etched surface of the art glass sculptures. Such unique coating assists to keep the fingerprint oils from penetrating deep inside the art glass surface. Especially during the 3D laser engraving method, after the intense heat melts the art glass surface, the artisans need to place a thin piece of moist paper for dispersing the heat from the glass or crystal façade.

Consequently, the craftsmen can apply a good quality liquid cleaner for removing the surface heat and remaining superfine debris. Thereafter, they can utilize a scouring pad for effectively polishing, and removing any more residuals for sustaining the art glass memento. Moreover, the aforementioned permanent protective coating will also help the cleaning procedures pretty simpler, when used with industry-grade glass cleaner and paper towels.




Sweden Crystal Design - Glassworks Design & Marketing Company.