Empower Pakistan brings Upwork’s Social Impact Program (SIP) to Pakistan

Syed Farhan Raza
2 min readJun 19, 2017

The journey started back in 2011 when my previous business collapsed and I hardly had a few thousand dollars in hand. I started off with a small gig and stretched it to a team of 25 in a period of 2 years. We saw how Freelancing changed the lives of our co-workers, and it was then, I co-founded Empower Pakistan along with Syed Sajid Shah.

At Empower Pakistan, we started off with a mission to create opportunities for the less served people of the country and make a strong impact on their livelihood and the society as a whole. Over the course of our rough and tough journey, we can now proudly say that we have impacted more than 1500 lives, and we are continuing our struggle to drive our mission forward.

Today (as of 19th June 2017), I’m very excited to announce that Empower Pakistan has become an now official partner of Upwork in their Social Impact Program (SIP). Under SIP, we will create employment opportunities for the underprivileged youth of Pakistan, bridging the gap between highly talented, skilled resources and the global market.

This partnership will enable Pakistani freelancers to have the following incentives:

- A dedicated Upwork mentor providing profile and proposal analysis,

- Extra connects as needed,

- Priority access to some job posts,

- Social Impact Badge on their profiles,

- Priority registration for agency and freelancers and,

- Landing page listing to attract clients

Mark my words:

- The future belongs to small players in all markets. It will get harder and harder for the local and international businesses to afford the quality freelancers full time.

- Freelancing portals are the best place to start and boost your career but that’s not all. There is the world outside of that.

- Ending up a services agency isn’t the only way. A Freelancer with the strong personal brand is better than a below-average services Agency.

At the end, I’d like to thank everyone who was a part of our journey and helped us to get closer to our goal day by day. To know more about the program, please visit the link below and let me know in the comments what do you think.

Check out more details about the Social Impact Program here.



Syed Farhan Raza

A serial entrepreneur with an impetuous ardency for exponential personal growth and doing e-commerce.