
Things a Designer Should Avoid Saying

UX Career Advice
2 min readMar 13, 2015


Here are some observations around working effectively with others and being the best designer you can be.

“That’d never work”
Unless your brief is super strict or the technical constraints are very explicit, it is incumbent on the designer to be open to opinion, should that support better usefulness, usability or user engagement. Listen, mock it up, offer sound reasons if it doesn’t work and provide alternatives.

“Aw man, now I’ll have to change my designs”
This is a case of being open-minded and seeking feedback at appropriate moments before too much is committed to paper (or pixel). Having your designs in easily editable template format also helps, where one change can be applied across the board instead of having to edit every single screen.

“User testing will take too long”
That’s simply not true. Try guerrilla testing, where you ask people unconnected with the project to carry out tasks on the design you have in place so far. You can do it with paper prototypes as well as with clickable ones. OK, it’s not perfect but it can be done quickly and at very little cost.

“Let’s finish the design before asking the client for feedback”
Many designers are afraid of showing unpolished work. This is understandable when the client does not understand the iterative design process. Why not explain it to them, see if they’ll get it. Worst-case scenario you can simply have a conversation with them and describe the direction you are heading in. Their feedback will usually inform your designs for the good.

“I’m the designer, not you”
User Experience Design is a bespoke skill but it’s not exactly Thermodynamics or Abstract Algebra. Ultimately you are responsible for the design but inspiration can come in many forms. Often clients and colleagues from other disciplines will have an interesting perspective that can shape your approach. The best designers don’t dismiss them immediately and are not precious about their own viewpoint.

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Original article: http://www.uxswitch.com/5-things-a-uxer-should-avoid-saying/



UX Career Advice

Career advice for UX designers, product and service designers, visual designers, design strategists and user researchers. Originally appeared on UXswitch.com.