I’m Sleeping While You’re Working (9 Ways to Prove the “Hustlers” and “Grinders”.. are WRONG!)

Ryan Lee
5 min readMar 6, 2018

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” ~ Tim Ferriss

There are some trending mantras in entrepreneurial circles.

“I’m working while you’re sleeping”.


“I’m grinding 24/7”.

Sure, it sounds cool. And sexy.

But the OPPOSITE is true.

Isn’t the dream of building your own business to be able to sleep while they’re working?

Why would you want to WORK while they’re sleeping??

Good Work. Productive Work.

There’s nothing wrong with hard work.

After I graduated College, I would wake up at 5am, train a PT client, go to work full-time at a children’s hospital. Adding in night classes….

I get it.

But hustling for the sake of hustling is counterproductive.

In hindsight, I could have been much smarter with my time.

I’ve been to countless events where, motivational gurus shout from the stage, “just do what you’re passionate about and never stop”.

What they don’t mention is what if you’re doing the WRONG thing.

What if you’re building a business to serve 60 year old women? And you’re spending 95% of your time on snapchat. Then, it’s likely a very bad use of your time.


What if you’re building your business around an idea that hasn’t been validated? It’s just not what the market wants or needs.

Just because you filmed 300 videos of yourself playing video games, it doesn’t mean anyone wants to watch you. And, if no ones watching — there’s no business model.

Yet, you’ve been told by these “experts” if you just “grind” hard enough all your dreams will come true.

In theory, it sounds good.

Because it removes all doubt… or so you think.

If I just work hard enough, I’ll be successful you tell yourself.

It’s a great sound bite for a 30 second “viral” video.

And it makes for a great motivational poster or t-shirt with the #hustle words blazed across the front.

Because of this misguided information, you’re led to believe that if you don’t make it, it’s entirely your fault.But it ain’t reality.

Not. Even. Close.

The Truth

“You can’t out hustle a bad idea” -Ryan Lee

The MARKET votes. They vote with their wallets. And they don’t care if you’ve “worked hard”.

They don’t care how many hours you put in.

They don’t care what video camera you just bought.

They only care what you can do for them. If you’re solving THEIR problems.

That’s it.

Sometimes you picked the wrong market. The wrong product. The wrong positioning. The wrong price. The wrong.. idea.

I’ve spoken with thousands of entrepreneurs over the past 19 years — and you’d be shocked how many are building their business on a very shaky foundation.

I don’t care how much you “want it”…

… you can’t out hustle a bad idea.

You can’t out hustle a bad business model.

You Evolve

“What’s dangerous is not to evolve” Jeff Bezos

I started my first business back in 1985 when I was just 13 years old. It was a mail order baseball card business.

And since then, I’ve created dozens of companies.

But things change.

YOU change.

Ok, maybe when you’re in your 20s, you can get away with the 24/7 hustle.

Possibly, into your 30s too.

But as you hit your 40s, something changes.

You might have your own family. You’ve probably lost your grandparents by now. And, maybe, have lost one or both of your parents.

When my mom passed away from cancer 8 years ago, it turned my world upside down.

Suddenly, I started thinking about my own mortality. And my family.

The “hustle” mentality was no longer sexy and appealing. And I simply wanted to re-build my business around spending as much time my family as humanly possible (my “why”).

I’ve built my business almost entirely online with as much leverage as possible — and have only traveled to speak 3 times in the past 6 years. It was very purposeful. I’d much rather spend my Saturday night on the couch with my kids watching Stranger Things than at a networking event.

You gotta figure out YOUR why (hint: you might “think” it’s a new red Lambo.. but it’s not). And build your business around it.

My four kids. My “why”. My life.

The Keys?

“My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.” — Francine Jay

How do you do get away from the hustle mentality?

Here are 9 ways to stop hustling and start living…

  1. Stop trying to “be everywhere”.
    Find your ONE most valuable platform and focus on that. Ignore everything else.
    It’s impossible to be everywhere — so don’t even try. By mastering ONE platform, you can get more momentum. And momentum is everything.
  2. Create a Business with Leverage
    Create systems. Create processes.
    Build products that can scale and serve thousands without an extra strain on resources.
    And, whenever you can, build recurring revenue into your business model.
  3. Say NO More
    Here’s a simple filter.
    If an opportunity moves you further away from your goals = say no.
    That’s it.
    Guard your time like a hawk.
  4. Most Important Thing FIRST
    First thing in the morning do the most important thing that drives your business forward. Every business is different.
    It might be writing a page for your next book. Or emailing a prospect. Or running an ad. Or filming a video.
    Do. That. First.
    No exceptions.
  5. Go Into Hyper-focus
    When you’re doing your “most important thing”, remove ALL distractions.
    Turn off your phone. Logout of social media and instant messenger.
    Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door. Stop watching videos of Gary V.
    100% of your attention must go into you most important thing!
  6. Document Your Systems
    Whether it’s a marketing email or recording a podcast — you must DOCUMENT the process.
    You don’t need fancy software. It can be as simple as a google doc. But write it down, step by step, so someone else can take over.
  7. Never Get Emotionally Attached To Your Idea
    If your business isn’t working, you must be able to let it go.
    Just “pushing through” it can be a massive mistake.
    Test fast. Move fast.
    And, when necessary, PIVOT fast.
  8. Build a Team That “Gets It”
    As your business grows and you start a team — they must be on the same page as you.
    I don’t even ask for resumes. Find people who are excited about your MISSION. They can learn the skills — but they can’t learn passion.
  9. Personal Connections
    Never, ever forget WHY you are building your business.
    Every day is a gift.
    Tell your loved ones you love them.. every day.
    Bask in the gratitude.

Take a deep breath.

Tune out everyone screaming about “hustling” and “grinding”.

Stop reading books screaming about 10X’ing everything.

Because you know the truth.

You’ve got your priorities firmly in place.

You’ll building a business that YOU want.

One that is profitable AND gives you freedom.

Oh yes, you’re a lean, mean, productive, entrepreneurial machine.

You got this.


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Ryan Lee

I help coaches, experts and marketers create sweet, sweet continuity income.