5 Resistance Band Yoga Exercises for a Full-Body Workout

2 min readMar 14, 2023


Are you familiar with the latest research on resistance bands yoga.

5 Resistance Band Yoga Exercises for a Full-Body Workout

Resistance bands are a great tool to incorporate into your yoga practice. They provide additional support and stability, and can help to increase the intensity of your poses. Resistance band yoga is an excellent way to challenge both your strength and flexibility, while providing a full-body workout. Here are five resistance band yoga exercises to get you started:

1. Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose is a great way to open up the front body while strengthening the back. To do the pose, lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Place the resistance band around your thighs and squeeze your legs together. Slowly lift your hips off the ground and draw your chest towards your chin. Hold the pose for 5–10 breaths.

2. Warrior I with Resistance Band

This variation of Warrior I adds an extra challenge to the classic standing pose. Start in a low lunge position with your back knee on the ground. Place the resistance band around your back thigh and draw your legs together. As you come up into Warrior I, press into the band to create a grounding sensation. Hold the pose for 5–10 breaths.

3. Side Plank with Resistance Band

Side Plank is a great way to strengthen the core and obliques. To do the pose, come into a side plank position with your feet together. Place the resistance band around your upper arms and draw your elbows in towards your body. Then, press your feet and elbows away from each other to create an “X” shape with your body. Hold the pose for 5–10 breaths.

4. Seated Forward Fold with Resistance Band

Seated Forward Fold is a great way to stretch the hamstrings and open up the back. To do the pose, sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place the resistance band around your feet and draw your legs together. Then, fold forward, keeping your spine long and your chest lifted. Hold the pose for 5–10 breaths.

5. Chair Pose with Resistance Band

Chair Pose is an excellent way to strengthen the legs and build core stability. To do the pose, stand with your feet together and place the resistance band around your thighs. Bend your knees and draw your elbows in towards your body. Hold the pose for 5–10 breaths. Resistance band yoga is a great way to challenge both your strength and flexibility. Incorporating resistance bands into your yoga practice can help to increase the intensity of your poses, while providing a full-body workout. Give these five resistance band yoga exercises a try to get started!

