Redesigning #EmailWeekly

Ever since we started sending a weekly update of links about email design, in an email, to email designers (yeah, meta³), we’ve used #EmailWeekly as a sandbox to test out new ideas.

Elliot Ross
Action Rocket
2 min readMar 23, 2017


After a couple of years of testing out content, subject lines, perfecting hybrid HTML and various other things, it’s time to start afresh. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to build a new template from scratch, so we can look at:


Over the last year or so, accessibility in email has finally become a thing. There are some easy wins you can add to any template, but we want to explore what proper, web-standard accessibility entails in email.

Web Code

With recent Gmail updates, modern web-standard code is within grasp for email developers. Whilst our client work still has to work in Outlook, with all the conceits that entails, we want to use #EmailWeekly to look at what a web-first, outlook-second, email looks like.

Stream-focused design

We’re big believers that email can take much more of a cue from apps and social media behaviour, than it ever has been able to do from print and DM. So we want to bring that experience and content-approach to email.

Maximum customisation, minimum code

We often make special editions of our template, for things like April Fool’s, Black Friday or our 98th edition. We want to make that easier, without needing a huge amount of custom code.

We’ll be publishing our template as we go along, which you can follow here – and see our progress each week by subscribing at 💪

