What is Atomic Bounty and how it works

Atomic Wallet


One of the main goals of Atomic Wallet team is creating a functional ecosystem to maximize the spread of decentralized technologies among crypto-enthusiasts. As long as Bounty campaigns have become a useful part of the most of cryptocurrency-related projects, we launched our own Bounty campaign, the main goals of which is introducing people to Atomic Wallet technology and rewarding loyal people with AWC tokens for useful activities.
You can check the full description of Atomic Wallet Bounty campaign here — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4437634.0

Brief introduction to Atomic Wallet Bounty

The total reward for all participants of the campaign is 1 000 000 AWC Tokens.

Atomic Wallet Bounty Allocation:

  • Twitter Bounty
  • Content Bounty
  • Facebook Bounty
  • Reddit Bounty
  • Medium Bounty
  • Atomic Wallet Downloads
  • Translation Bounty
  • Bug Bounty

Due to the fact that the tasks for social networks are simple, we will consider more complicated parts of campaign.

In this section we offer a reward for the actual and interesting content about Atomic Wallet. It can be your personal experience of using a Wallet, tutorials for other users, an overview of our project in general or any other types of material. Feel free to publish your articles and videos in any social networks, blogs and websites: the main thing is content quality. Also, you can publish your creatives on any language you want.
Our website and social account provides a lot of information about Atomic Wallet project, which you can use for your work.
We kindly welcome creative materials and will publish it in our social networks! So, just write an articles and notes and receive a reward in AWC tokens.
You can apply to participate in Content Bounty here: http://bit.ly/Bounty_Atomic

This part of Bounty is for multilingual users — you can earn a lot of AWC tokens for your professional and quality translation of our Website, Whitepaper, One Pagers and Atomic Wallet user interface. If you are sure this work is for you — just fill in the Google forms for Bounty (http://bit.ly/Bounty_Atomic ) and Translation Campaigns here: http://bit.ly/AtomicTranslation
All translations will be verified by third-party translators, so you need to be honest and punctual!

Atomic Wallet team is looking for bug reports clearly and concisely identifying problematic issues with the cryptocurrency software or platform. Bug and Vulnerability Bounty campaign doesn’t have a final date and will continue until we announce the end.

The main idea of this Bounty campaign part is to find some bugs or vulnerabilities in Atomic Wallet and report to it. Every day our development team is working hard on making Atomic Wallet more convenient, and with your help we can do more!

What’s the difference between Bugs and Vulnerabilities?

You should report about “Vulnerability”, if the error can lead to financial risks. “Bug” — if the error does not incur any financial risks for the user. Kindly check the full description of Bug and Vulnerabilities program in our main Bounty thread here — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4437634.0

Campaign restrictions:

  • Do not perform any attack that could harm the reliability/integrity of our services or data. DDoS/spam attacks are not allowed.
  • Do not publicly disclose a bug before it has been fixed.
  • Do not impact other users with your testing
  • Never attempt non-technical attacks such as social engineering, phishing, or physical attacks against our employees, users, or infrastructure.

You can not only earn AWC tokens for creatives and bux fixing — you can help our project to build a strong community of DEX enthusiast!

Join our campaign and approach the decentralized future together with us!

Download latest version of Atomic Wallet here: https://atomicwallet.io

Stay tuned and follow us on:

Medium: https://medium.com/atomic-wallet

Facebook: https://facebook.com/atomicwallet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/atomicwallet

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/atomicwallet

Join our Telegram chat: https://t.me/atomicwalletchat

