Staking 3.0 is now live!

Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021

March 2021 marks the first month for Staking 3.0. We’d like to congratulate all participants!

At COTI, we want to make sure everyone gets a fair opportunity. To that end, we had to work meticulously and handpick the approved stakers. Seats were filled and staking amounts approved on a first-come-first-served basis. Among all Staking 3.0 applicants, priority was first given to current stakers, then to stakers from the Staking 2.0 waiting list, and then to overall new stakers.

We are happy to share some information and stats from the staking application and approval process:

Over 1,300 new applicants were admitted to Staking 3.0, in the course of 10 days.

In detail:

  • We were able to approve 86% of the total staking applications!
  • We have upgraded 51% of the current stakers who had requested to upgrade their staking amount. We have also been able to approve the full requested amount for 71% of the upgraded applicants.
  • We are very proud to say that we’ve succeeded in approving and welcoming 100% of the stakers who applied to Staking 2.0 and have since been waiting for their turn.
  • 109M COTI Native coins are now locked into the staking platform for 30 to 90 days.
  • The Banter Node, a new community node run by Ran Neuner has been added and went live today. As such, we now count 12 Community nodes and a total of 17 nodes:

To those who didn’t make it into the March cycle: Don’t give up! You are in line for the next cycles.

The processing volume is expected to grow, thus allowing the Community Node’s numbers and capacity to increase. Soon, and as a direct result, we will be able to upgrade the staking amounts for current stakers as well as add new stakers to the program.

The application form is still available, you can find the instructions here:

Stake COTI, Stay COTI!

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