The Money-spinning Wave that is Crypto Wine Exchange (CWEX)

Published in
8 min readOct 2, 2018


Picture this; there is more to wine than the taste and the accustomed social interactions. Now, narrow down to this; the global wine market stood at $302 Billion in the year 2016. You will notice that for everything that is wine, numbers play a big role too. These ever-increasing numbers showcase the significance of wine as an investment to beat startups.

Comparing wine to fancy cars and rare coins, the private bank Coutts & Co. described it at a ‘passion index’ with proven growth again and again with every passing year. What makes the fine wine industry unique and equivalent to the trading market is the holding of wine for up to 3 to 7 years before selling by clients as noticed by Tom Gearing, a co-founder of Cult Wines which is another wine management company.

Once an opaque market, fine wine has now seen a large number of interested holding and selling clients/vendors with trusted and authentic managers, and a wine exchange platform coming together. The synergy between these parties has created a lot of interest in wine investment and has created a golden path for cryptocurrency investment.

Cryptocurrency Wine Exchange (CWEX) has smelt a vacuum in this lucrative space with the bid to answer questions like; can fine wine work with/as a cryptocurrency? Such answerable bold question is what drives the new generation trading industry while being supported by growing factual numbers coupled with interested and well-regarded clients.

CWEX is a novel platform that facilitates the trade of fine wine between cryptocurrency holders and listed fine wine vendors. CWEX is backed up by WEX Limited Hong Kong in partnership with DotChain GmbH, a company based in Switzerland which confirms the contractual validity of fine wine products as well as ensuring trade accountability and product authenticity by carrying out thorough audit processes on vendors seeking listing of their products. CWEX, on the other hand, is the management platform overseeing trade and is based in Hong Kong.

Cryptocurrency holders are always exploring new ways of acquiring real-life asset using their shares of cryptocurrencies. It is especially challenging to make this transaction in a world where centralized markets are still the order of the day. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency has opened up a whole new world of decentralized trading where the marketplace is now on the net and does not necessarily require that a central place/location be available for transactions to take place.

You may ask, why fine wine specifically? Well, some facts about fine wine will blow your mind. Fist, fine wine has over the years gained popularity in the markets. Concerning profitability as a short-term asset, it is at the top of the list. Even when compared to seemingly valuable assets like gold, real estate property and the likes, fine wine has been found to rank highest in the profitability scales.

Numbers never lie. Let us briefly delve into the profitability numbers of fine wine. In 1 year, fine wine appreciates by 24% in value. In 5 years, its value increases by 55%. After ten years, its value rises by a whopping 256%. These numbers go to show how fine wine is a reliable and worthwhile real-life investment you can consider putting your money on. The amount of risk you encounter when trading is much smaller than the high returns on your investments.

How does Crypto Wine Exchange work?

For a more understanding on how this trading platform works, let us look at a typical example of how cryptocurrency holders can trade therein.

Crypto wine exchange is an easy and secure place for anyone who has interests in this type of market and would like to acquire fine wine assets.

On the wine vendor’s end, there are strong measures put in place to ensure that the authenticity of the wine they intend to list in the market is legitimate. This very step ensures that the cryptocurrency investor is protected from making green investments.

Given this assurance of authenticity, the trading process which is a cycle can now begin. It is usually a five-step cycle. The steps include:

1. Bid and offer

All traders who are registered can go ahead and look for fine wine in the listed selection range. They then place a bid or an offer on their fine wine of choice.

2. Trade Matching

The platform then offers an opportunity for bid or offer matching. Once the matching process is done, you are then notified that the trading has gone through successfully.

3. Securing the wine

The two companies that are responsible for the management of the Crypto Wine Exchange, WEX Limited in conjunction with DotChain GmbH, step in to further this trade. They concentrate on doing these three tasks at this stage: securing the wine, ensuring they meet all compliance qualifications and ensuring your asset, the fine wine(s).

4. Blockchain-based ownership certification is transferred to the buyer

To show for the investment you have made in the fine wine, you are issued with a block-chain based certificate. It is usually embedded on your trading account. The document goes a long way in proving that you have actual real-life investments in fine wine. It also makes legitimacy of the fine wine in your possession unquestionable as it affirms that the CWEX and DotChain GmbH companies have checked and confirmed that the fine wine is authentic.

5. Certificate holder options

Once the certificate is given to the owner, it stands that they are the owners of fine wine assets. They have options on what to do next with these newly acquired assets. First, the owner may decide that they will trade the ownership certificate on the trading platform. This means that they will be selling their fine wine assets to another legible interested party on the platform.

On the other hand, they can decide to hold onto their ownership certification until the price of their holdings rises then they can consider selling their assets.

The last option that a certificate holder has is to turn it in so that they have their wine brought to them physically instead.

Once the cycle is over, the cryptocurrency owner can begin from the top again.

What are the benefits of trading in CWEX?

Safe investment

Fine wine traded on this platform is a safe investment. On one hand, the DotChain GmbH carries out foolproof level audits on fine wine traders who want to have their wines listed in the crypto market. This ensures cheap and overvalued wine does not penetrate this market causing cryptocurrency owners to go on unexpected losses.

On the same breath, the company also ensures the holdings against loss or any other risks. When you compare this to other unmanaged property that people invest in, you can see that this insurance by the DotChain Gmbh also goes a long way in ensuring that the risk of investing in fine wine is significantly reduced.

We must also consider that this type of market is much more stable compared to the traditional markets because it provides greater stability. It is more accessible than conventional markets and more transparent given how it works. Every transaction and change can be seen and monitored by the public as there are no access restrictions, an aspect that increases the integrity of this trading platform all the more.

Anonymity and security in the investment

When trading in a high amount of holdings, traders may feel like their moves are a security threat to themselves. This is quickly taken care of on this platform. Anonymity is offered for traders. They, therefore, can trade incognito without their real identity being unearthed.

Besides identity protection, the aspect of value assurance is also incorporated. The security of bought fine wine is assured by issuing the buyer with an ownership certificate for each bottle of fine wine traded.

Easy fine wine trading

Imagine a stock exchange platform, except that this time it is online and has no geographical zone barriers. It is simply a global platform where interested people can trade freely in crypto and wine at the push of a button-automatically. This makes the processes easy and efficient, ridding it of all the bureaucratic rules and regulations that are more often than not, unnecessary.

Real-time trading

The process happens in real time. You can see a transaction taking place online. Changes are therefore easy to monitor on the system. It even makes it easy for someone to carve out an audit trail when doing an investigation or when following up on a concern. Integrity is fortified by this aspect of real-time trading, reducing cases of dubious and underhand dealings.

Reliable return on investment

Crypto trading has since grown over the years, and the numbers indicate and project an upward trajectory regarding its appreciation as the years go by. The wine has since outperformed valuable assets like gold, real estate and equity as earlier on mentioned. Looking back, the last couple of years has seen cryptocurrency owners’ returns being double digits thanks to fine wine trading. This goes to show the promise and expected growth in this platform is immense.

Increased demand for wine in emerging markets.

Fine wine continues to appreciate in value given the new markets that emerge every day with the new moves being made using blockchain technology. Intake of wine is becoming increasingly common.

China and India are good examples of markets that are currently aiding this platform in growth by their recent interest in the trade. In Asia alone, the wine has sold four times more since the year 2000. Concerning imports, the Asia-Pacific zone is responsible for 16% of all the wine numbers imported.

After cars, studies show that collectible wines are the most desirable asset. This new found demand for collectible wine that is scarce will in the long run cause prices to skyrocket, causing the trading of cryptocurrency and wine to be a very lucrative trade.

Experts in 2016 said that the global wine market stood at a stunning 290 billion. It is expected that by 2022, it will have reached 402 billion or thereabouts. Considering the fast growing interests in wine as well as its consumption that are primarily contributed to by the changing lifestyles of people, increase in disposable incomes, urbanization and the rise of wine usage during celebrations, this only means that it is just a matter of time before Crypto Wine Exchange (CWEX) becomes a booming global venture. It might as well be the future equivalent of conventional stock exchange markets but only much greater.








