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4 Essential UX Resources

Fundamental parts of user experience which lead to the creation of great products.

Allan Berger
2 min readOct 30, 2013


I’ve often been asked which pieces of content or sources I could recommend for learning more about usability and user experience design. This is why I thought I’d share a collection of, in my opinion, the four most important UX sources of the best guru’s in that field.

1. How to manufacture desire Nir Eyal, Nir and Far

Nir’s talk about how to create indispensable products by designing user habits & behaviors. The phases “trigger”, “action”, “reward” & “commitment” are playing key roles here.

2. BJ Fogg’s Behavior Model BJ Fogg, Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab

B.J. Fogg explains how his behaviour model originated and how it works.

3. Why good storytelling helps you design great products Braden Kowitz, Google Ventures Design Studio

A beautiful looking product should also work beautifully and why story-centered design is key to create sustainable and qualitative products.

Millais Boyhood of Raleigh (Wikipedia)

4. Principles of User Interface Design Joshua Porter, Director of UX at Hubspot

An invaluable list of user experience and user interface design principles to create beautiful, valuable and functional products.

Cams (Wikipedia)

If you found this post helpful you might want to follow me on twitter where I tweet about UX, Design & Product Management.

Also make sure to check out Blossom, a modern Agile/Lean Project Management Tool I’m currently working on ☺



Allan Berger

Founder & COO at @Blossom. Empowering Distributed Teams, Product Management, Jobs to be done, Design, UX, Process, Kaizen. @allanberger on Twitter.