How to use Due Invoicing

Renzo Costarella
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2016

Important: In order to accept payments on Due Invoicing you’ll need to complete your settings and Enable Due Payments. If you haven’t yet enabled Due Payments, click here to learn how.

If you’re still sending invoices and receiving checks by mail, then you’re wasting valuable time and money. Online billing platforms like Due allow you to send invoices online and allows your customers to pay via credit cards, eChecks, and various other methods.

If you haven’t yet signed up for Due, you can do so here. If you already have a Due account, here’s a step by step walkthrough on how to use Due Invoicing:

1. Create a Account

Make sure you sign up for the right account type.

  1. If you’re operating under a legal business entity, choose the business account. Each account type will have different requirements. Most user’s processing payments with Due choose the ‘Business Account’ option.
  2. When filling out the rest of your account information, make sure it’s consistent with your Business information. Make sure the company email is consistent with your company name (if applicable).

Remember: Once you create your Due Account, you’ll need to complete settings and enable Due Payments in order to process credit and debit cards on your invoices. Click here to access the tutorial on enabling Due Payments.

2. Create and Send Due Invoice

The ‘Dashboards’ tab contains a general overview of your account activity.

  1. You can access your dashboard by selecting this icon on the left hand menu.
  2. Your Dashboard gives you an overview of account activity such as total clients and invoices, past 6 months of invoices (total and total paid), and recent activity with date and time stamps.
  3. You can also create an invoice directly from the Dashboard.
  1. You can access the ‘Invoices’ tab by selecting this icon on the left hand menu.
  2. Your invoices will all be stored on the platform and can be accessed in a matter of seconds.
  • You can also search for specific invoices by applying various filters including: date, client email, client company, and invoice status.
  • Invoices will be listed below the search section.
  1. You can also create a ‘New Invoice’ in the Invoices section.

This is the top half of the invoice. This section will contain both your and your client’s information as well as a basic invoice summary.

  1. This represents the ‘Create New Invoice’ action.
  2. When you complete your settings, this section will automatically be filled out. You can change this information at any time if necessary.
  3. Your client’s information will go in this section. To get an invoice paid, you only need to include the recipients email address. However, its always best to provide the full information for accounting and bookkeeping purposes. Client information will be saved and can be used again for future invoices.
  4. Each invoice will have a unique number, this makes filing a breeze.
  • If you need your invoice to be paid on a certain date, you can set a specific Due Date here.
  • If this is going to be a recurring charge, like rent for example, you can set the frequency here.
  • You can also select the number of invoices being sent.

This is the bottom half of the invoice. In this section you’ll include the goods/services provided and costs.

  1. Make sure to include both the title and detailed description of services or goods provided. The more specific you are the less chance your client will argue with the charges.
  2. Here you can include the rate and the quantity. For example: If you’re billing for 20 hours of work at $20 an hour. You can input 20 for the rate and 20 for quantity and the total will be automatically calculated.
  • You can add multiple items to the same invoice as well. Click the add/remove button to do so.
  1. You can also add discounts and taxes to your invoices in this section.
  2. If you have additional notes you want to include you can do so here.
  3. If you want to save your invoice for later you can do so here, if not go ahead and send it off.

Once you send an invoice to a client, their information will be saved in the ‘Clients’ tab.

  1. This tab represents the ‘Client’ section. Here you will have access to all clients and their information.
  2. Your clients will be listed here. You can edit and delete current clients.
  3. You can search for clients here either by name or email.
  4. You can create a New Client in this section as well. Remember, you only need to include the recipients email address to get paid. However, it’s best to include their complete information for bookkeeping purposes.
  1. Now that you have a client saved, you will have the option to select a client from a menu when sending another invoice.
  2. Your existing clients will show up in this pop-up. From here you can select existing clients to save time.
  3. If you are billing a new client, you can go ahead and select ‘Add New Client’.

Now that you know how to use Due Invoicing you can now bill clients with ease. We are constantly working hard to keep our products well suited for our users at Due. Stay tuned for future updates and feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.

How to Use Due Invoicing was originally published on Due on November 15, 2016 by Renzo Costarella.



Renzo Costarella

Renzo Costarella is an entrepreneur, avid learner, and startup enthusiast currently living in Silicon Valley.