So Avengers Tower is Totally The Baxter Building Right?

Did Marvel just accidentally reveal this?

Kevin Tash


Source: Disney.

Since 2017, the MCU has had a subplot of the original Avengers Tower being sold and bought after the second Avengers film. This was a major plot point in Spider-Man: Homecoming and made a cameo in the sequel Far From Home.

At the end of that film, Spidey swings by the building and the audience can see this sign.

Souce: Sony Pictures and CinemaBlend

Sure seeing a countdown to 3 with the phrase “what comes next” did get fans to start thinking it was set up for the Fantastic 4. But a lot of us also felt like the more likely answer was that this was just a nod that phase 4 of Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming soon.

But now between that and the rebuilding of Avengers Tower and the announcement that Marvel’s Fantastic 4 film will be helmed by the director of the three MCU Spidey movies, Jon Watts. It seems the answer is clear.

My previous guess would be that it was going to be Oscorp but it just makes so much more sense now for it to be the F4 home base- The Baxter Building.

For one, it makes sense for Marvel’s First Family to have such a prominent place in the New York City skyline in the MCU. There’s an argument to be made that F4 is more deserving of that clout than the Avengers due to how important they are to Marvel history.

Second, this being Watts’s second go at a franchise being rebooted for a third time into the MCU, it makes sense he’d want some thematic continuity between them. And Spidey already has a close relationship with F4, with them considering Spidey part of their family in a lot of iterations. So to see this plot thread be a lead in to Fantastic 4 would feel pretty natural.

So yeah, between the plot thread of redoing Avengers Tower being present in each Spider-Man movie Watts directed and that he’s making the new F4, I think that inadvertently confirms it’s going to be the Baxter Building. It just makes too much sense now.

Not to mention, if they made it something like Oscorp then Disney would probably have to negotiate with Sony on how that should be present in the MCU in movies outside of their jurisdiction. Which just sounds like an unnecessary headache, even if their collaboration continues past these current Spidey MCU projects.

You can read more of this writer by following him here on Medium, where he plans to write a much longer and more detailed piece about the future place of the Fantastic 4 and Spider-Man in the MCU soon.



General mess, Author, Producer, Screen Writer, Web Developer, but mostly a mess.