Trends Will Come and Go, but Good Design Is Forever

Don’t get caught up in the Twitter design-trend hype

Chris Kernaghan
The Designer’s Toolbox


An example of neubrutalism

My *Dad bought a shirt in the 80s that he still owns to this day. It’s as colourful and vibrant as you can imagine, none of it’s lustre lost to years of washing. It perfectly encapsulates the time in which it was created. Think Lisa Lisa, Cult Jam & Full Force, Wayfarers and MTV.

It was a different time. Some might even say it was a bodacious time. But it was a time nearly 40 years ago, and a time now considered by some to be antiquated. The shirt, as much as my Dad still admires it, is now the physical manifestation of a far-flung time with moustached men catching bad guys in a Ferrari Testarossa.

And that’s the thing with trends. They come and go, but good design is forever.

[Dieter Rams on Good Design] It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years — even in today’s throwaway society. — Dieter Rams

If you frequent Twitter, you’re likely to see designers talking about design trends. The hottest of which appears to be Neubrutalism (Not to be confused with New Brutalism). I…



Chris Kernaghan
The Designer’s Toolbox

Designer. Owner of and Perpetually outdoors with the kids. Avid reader of books.