Tjasa Tolj


As our community is growing in numbers, we are getting a lot of recurring questions. Since we want to help the community to understand better what ICONOMI is and how it works, we are starting a series of Support blog posts. Please check this page before contacting our help desk, especially if you are new to this environment.

Where can I log in to / register with the ICONOMI platform?

We have seen many users confused about their ICONOMI accounts. This is completely understandable. We are in the midst of the deployment of the ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform and this is the reason why, at the moment, there are two dedicated websites:

1. ICO ICONOMI is a platform where you can access your ICN tokens if you acquired them during our Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Please note that you can only log in to the ICO ICONOMI website if you already have an ICO account.

2. ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform is currently in beta testing. We are gradually inviting users to beta test our new platform. Users who applied for the beta testing program were added first, followed by the ICO participants based on the amount they contributed to the ICO, and then everyone else.

If you do not have an account and you wish to subscribe to our email updates, click here.

How can I buy into to the ICONOMI.performance (ICNP) and ICONOMI.index (ICNX) array?

ICNP is reserved for ICO participants and subsequent signing up to the array is not possible until further notice.

Currently, INCX is available only for beta testers of the ICONOMI Digital Asset Management Platform. ICNX will open with the launch of our new platform and you will be most welcome to invest in it.

Where can I buy/sell ICN tokens?

ICN tokens are visible and tradable only on exchanges that support ICN tokens. You can see a list of all exchanges supporting ICN here. Because of the automatisation, exchanges differentiate between ETH and ICN addresses/accounts, so please be careful where you send them. If you decide to use the Kraken exchange, you can read our step-by-step instructions on how to buy/sell ICN.

If you do not have a lot of experience with managing digital assets, we strongly advise you to familiarise yourself with all aspects of trading and managing them first. If you send your ICN tokens to an exchange/wallet that does not support ICN tokens, you might irreversibly destroy them.

Can I send my ICN tokens to the ICO ICONOMI or to the ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform?

No, there is no deposit option on the ICO ICONOMI platform. Until further notice, the same applies to the ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform.

You will be able to transfer your ICN tokens (if you bought them on an exchange or stored them in your wallet) to the ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform once the platform launches.

Please also note that with the launch of the platform all ICN tokens and the accounts from the ICO ICONOMI platform will be automatically transferred to the ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform. (So you will not have to transfer them on your own.)

Obviously, new users (non ICO participants) don’t have an account ready, so they will have to register first and deposit their ICN tokens on their own.

Where can I store my ICN tokens?

You can withdraw ICN tokens from the ICO website to your ETH wallet, if it supports ERC20 app tokens. We strongly suggest that you use only an ETH wallet for which you own the private key. We provide a guide to using the two most popular wallets: Ethereum Wallet and MyEtherWallet.

If you do not have a lot of experience managing digital assets, we strongly advise that you leave your ICN tokens on our platform for the time being — until the launch of the new platform.

More questions?

Email us at support@iconomi.net.



Tjasa Tolj

Marketing & Communication specialist @iconominet