Sacred Land Returned to Native Americans…

Eagle Messengers brought this to fruition….

Brooklyn Muse (editor)


Freedom Eagle © Brooklyn Muse

“With eagles being prayer messengers, this area where they gather has always been a place of natural, cultural, and spiritual importance,” said Rappahannock Tribe Chief Anne Richardson.

The Rappahannock Native American Tribe of Virginia has now regained ownership of 465 acres of land at Fones Cliff, Virginia. This reacquisition on April 1, 2022, was made possible by the William Dodge Angle Family. They provided the funds to purchase for The Chesapeake Conservancy. The Conservancy then donated that fee title to the Tribe. This project has taken a number of years to come to completion. There was an additional grant funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through Walmart’s Acres for America

The significance of the re-establishment of Native American land cannot be negated. This is seen as a major step in reparations for the tribe and the incredible savage history it has endured. In addition, the lost culture, heritage, and language will be brought to the forefront once again. The environmental impact of protecting these lands as a safe haven for eagles and wildlife brings a sense of intense Native American spirit back to a forsaken space.

The Rappahannock Tribe of Virginia defended their sacred land in 1608 against…



Brooklyn Muse (editor)

NYC area -educator. writer. editor. treasure hunter. mountains. beach. city. Medium.Newsbreak.Substack. all images ©️ Brooklyn Muse.