Why Decentralization Matters Now More Than Ever

Published in
Jan 14, 2021


Our world looks much different than it did a year ago. The shocks of 2020 are still fresh in our minds, but remembering our world as it was a decade ago in 2010 is truly night and day. Uber was still in R&D mode, DoorDash was not even a company, and voice assistants like Alexa were still a futuristic concept. Centralized corporations fueled this decade of disruption through a vicious cycle of consumer naïveté and corporate greed— but times have changed, and decentralization matters now more than ever.

A decade of disruption followed by a decade of decentralization. — Balaji Srinivasan

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at iotex.io/blog

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