The Omnichain Future is Here

Ryan Zarick
LayerZero Official
Published in
Mar 15, 2022

The wait is over, LayerZero is now live (in beta) and like our docs lets not waste your time and get right to it.


We’re live on Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, BNB Chain, Fantom, Arbitrum and Optimism. In 6–8 weeks consider Solana, Terra, Cosmos Hub and Osmosis slam dunks and LayerZero to be everywhere in 4–6 months.

Stargate Launch

Stargate, the first bridge to solve the Bridging Trilemma, launches on top of LayerZero (and all 7 chains) in two days. Learn about how to participate in liquidity generation event that starts in two days here.


The rumors are true, we hired an Ultra Chad: 0xMaki to the team full time and he will be leading business development.

