Ngan Thanh | Mech Master
Mech Master
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2022

Congratulations on being one of the whitelist winners.
By now, you must have received our email regarding the guidance about the game. Download Mech Master Game from the link in the email, then follow the steps below to enjoy the game:

  1. Open the downloaded file, then click on MechMaster.exe to activate the game.

2. Enter your whitelisted email, click “Send code” to get the login code through your email, then click on “Log in”

3. You now log in successfully to the home screen. Long-click a Mecha and drag it to the center to watch its effect.

4. Click on “Mecha”, “Weapon”, and “Pilots” in the top menu to view and choose your Mechas, Weapons, and Pilots accordingly. Their stats are located on the right side of the screen.

5. When you are ready, click on “Battle” in the bottom right corner to start searching for your match.

6. Once the match is found, click on “Accept” to join the battle.

7. Your team is in blue while the rival team is in red.

8. Before the battle starts, you and your enemy have 15 secs to arrange your teams within each base. Once you’ve done arranging your team, click “Confirm” to start the battle.

9. Your enemy’s Health Bar will be in red while yours will be in green.
Your enemy’s moving area and your attacking area will be in red while your moving area will be in blue.

10. You and your enemy will take turns to move and attack the other. When it’s your turn, you can start moving your team. Spot the Mecha in the hexagon with blinking light, then click on the target tile within the blue area to move it there. Click “End turn” then “Confirm” to finish moving a Mecha without using any ability.

11. Once you’ve moved your Mecha to a location where it’s ideal to strike your enemy, click on one of the three skills in the bottom menu. After that, click on the rival Mecha that you want to attack, then click “End turn” and “Confirm” to hit that enemy.

12.When you kill all Mechas of your opponent team, you win the game!

13. Click on “History” in the top menu of the home screen to view the summary of your battle results.
The battle results are recorded only when 2 teams fight till the end, which means if one party quits the game partway, the winner will not be identified.

14. You can always check the Testnet leaderboard at:

The Testnet version of Mech Master Gameplay can not avoid small system errors and feature shortage compared to the official version. During the testing period, if there is anything unclear or unpleasant, please raise your voice. Your contribution is a huge motivation for us to improve the game!

About Mech Master

Mech Master is a fully immersive 3D Metaverse on the Moon, where each project is a virtual city, interconnected into an ecosystem. Being the pivot in Mech Master, Mech City spotlights the first-ever 3D Mecha NFT game, enabling its citizens to socialize, relax, partake in various activities, and enjoy life immensely with both AR and VR technologies implemented.

🌐 Mech Master Official Links

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