Do You Have Subscription Fatigue?

What it is and what you can do about it.

Alexander Boswell
Mind Cafe


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Sometimes, you get a notification from your bank in the middle of the month about your balance. Damn, overspent again; I don’t even know where the money goes. It just disappears. You check your statement, and it’s full of $4.99’s here and $9.99’s there. It doesn’t seem like much, right?

Months can go by like this until you realize what one of the main culprits is: subscriptions. I bet you’re reading this right now thinking about how many subscriptions you’ve got. Maybe you can’t even think of them all.

Or maybe you only have one or two, if that’s the case, bravo — this article isn’t for you. You clearly possess the self-control that many (including myself) don’t have. This article is for those of you who think they might have a few too many subscriptions, or it’s out of control.

So now I’ve got you thinking about your subscriptions. You’re already on the first step of identifying and tackling the issue. Let’s dive a little deeper into the concept of subscription fatigue.

What is ‘Subscription Fatigue’

In the U.S, the average consumer had 12 paid entertainment subscriptions pre-Covid. But now, even around 70% of boomers have at least one subscription video on demand (SVOD)…



Alexander Boswell
Mind Cafe

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him |