Nifty Gateway has been acquired

Duncan Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2019

We are super excited to announce that Nifty Gateway has been acquired by Gemini, the next generation crypto currency exchange.

Read the Gemini blog post from Tyler Winklevoss here.

We believe that by teaming up with Gemini, we have found the perfect partner for us as we continue to make progress on our mission of getting 1 billion people collecting nifties.

Why Gemini?

We have always looked for people who are as excited about nifties as we are when evaluating who we should work with.

As soon as we started talking to Cameron and Tyler we saw how passionate, and excited they are about nifties. We immediately knew an acquisition made sense.

Another important part of our decision is infrastructure.

There is a lot of infrastructure that we need in order to build something on the scale that we are imagining. It would be time consuming and tedious to build on our own.

But by teaming up with Gemini, we get instant access to a lot of critically important technologies that we would not have otherwise.

Private key security is the best example. Gemini has world class infrastructure for storing and managing private keys. They’ve spent years building and perfecting it.

Instead of trying to rebuild a system like this from scratch, we are now part of the best private key security solution.

What will happen to Nifty Gateway?

The Nifty Gateway brand, product and website will continue to exist.

You will still be able to buy nifties on from our partner projects, and we will still continue to partner with projects to help them sell their nifties for fiat currency.

Keep an eye out for a lot more from us. We have a lot of exciting products that are in the pipeline and that we will be introducing to the world shortly. We can’t wait to share more of what we have been working on.

Thank you

Thank you so much to everyone who supported us while we were still an independent startup. Starting a company was a very enjoyable experience, and we are very grateful for everyone who was there for us throughout this journey.

Special shoutout to Adam and the Boost VC team. Boost is an amazing community. If you are a startup of any kind, we highly recommend applying!

We are more obsessed with nifties than we have ever been, and we are still not resting.


Duncan & Griffin



Duncan Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway

Decentralization enthusiast, excited about all that is happening right now.