An Open email to all users of the Backpack

As promised a (hopefully) more detailed and informative summary of what is going to happen with your Persona login and the Backpack over the coming days.

Matt Rogers
Open Badges
2 min readNov 29, 2016


Note: Everyone who currently has a Persona account will also be receiving this as an email shortly!

Hello [insert your name here] ;)

As you may have noticed, Persona is due to be retired at the end of November. However this does not mean the retirement of the Backpack — far from it in fact!

We’ve been working on replacing the current Persona login method with a new service and are due to put this live onto the site in the coming days.

What does this mean for you?

As an existing user of the Backpack you will be prompted to update your login credentials once this service has been replaced. If you still have access to the email address registered with the Backpack this will send you a link in which you can set a new password for your Backpack account.

What happens if I no longer have access to my email address?

We appreciate that some users may no longer have access to an institutional or educational email address anymore. If this is the case there will be an overlapping period (whilst Persona is still active) in which you can change the email address recognised within the Backpack. If however you migrate after this cross over period you will need to follow a slightly different method. We will be providing alternative recovery options — more details on this to follow.

When will this happen?

This will be happening imminently, and as soon as the changes are reflected on the live Backpack site you will be given the option to update your email address and password.

Who can I contact for support?

The best play to find support is via contacting

However, we will be putting up support via the Digitalme Blog to also assist users with this migration — you can also find out more information on all the work and changes that have been taking place to improve the stability and role the Backpack is playing within the ecosystem here.

Thank you

Matt Rogers

