OpenBazaar Ecosystem: CryptoBooks

OB1 — Trade Free
3 min readNov 21, 2016

In these posts we take a look at some unique members of the OpenBazaar ecosystem. Today we are featuring M.K. Lords, writer and serious Bitcoin advocate who is managing Andreas Antonopoulos’ store CryptoBooks on OpenBazaar. You can find CryptoBooks on OpenBazaar here and on Duosearch here and make sure to say hello to M.K. on Twitter!

Snag “The Internet of Money” on OpenBazaar for just BTC 0.011 ($8.00 USD)!

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I got into bitcoin in 2013 after hearing about it for almost a year but not really diving deep. My work since then has been with NGO’s like Bitcoin Not Bombs and I’ve also written for Bitcoin Magazine, been featured in other Bitcoin publications, been a regular panelist on The Bitcoin Group, appeared on radio shows and podcasts speaking on Bitcoin, had my own interview show on Youtube, spoken at conferences around the country, and organized two Bitcoin conferences. Most recently, I was the Community Manager at Airbitz and manage Andreas Antonopoulos‘ store CryptoBooks on OpenBazaar. My non-bitcoin projects include writing on, speaking at conferences, and appearing on a fun and feisty radio show called Freedom Feens.

What do you make/sell?

I manage the store CryptoBooks which sells books by Andreas Antonopoulos.

Why are you selling your product on OpenBazaar?

A decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplace is an exciting concept and goes hand in hand with crypto. It makes sense that some of the most radical literature on the subject would be sold on a radical platform like OpenBazaar.

How has your experience been with OpenBazaar so far?

It’s been educational, a pretty good for a platform in this stage. I’m used to testing new tech projects and understanding of the time it takes to smooth out platforms. I find it fairly easy to use and can’t wait to see the improvements in the next release.

How familiar are you with Bitcoin?

I have a better social understanding of Bitcoin but also grasp the technical overview. While I don’t have a tech background, I can explain the concepts to others especially if they aren’t as tech savvy as programmers. I created a lot of content for Airbitz breaking down complex, technical concepts into easier to understand explanations. While Airbitz is a bitcoin app and broader security platform, being involved in Bitcoin helped me better understand other concepts like encryption, decentralized platforms, and security. I’ve spent bitcoin on a huge variety of products and am so glad it’s become way easier to use than a few years ago when I first started using it. Andreas was a huge part in inspiring me to stay active in the Bitcoin space and I am curious to see what the future brings.

What changes would you like to see to OpenBazaar to make it more useful for you?

The orders need to be more logically organized. It doesn’t seem very intuitive and if you are dealing with large amounts of orders, that they rearrange without any seeming structure can make it confusing to keep track of them. Also, being able to edit the orders after they have been marked as shipped would be a great addition to keep track of any issues. Being able to search for the name of the purchaser along with the order ID and product would also be great. A way for notifications to get to you outside the platform if that’s possible would be very helpful. If these issues can be addressed with the next release, I think OB will be more of a game changer and have broader appeal.

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Originally published at on November 21, 2016.



OB1 — Trade Free

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