Why Satoshis Are Now More Important Than Bitcoin

Look after the Satoshi and (the) Bitcoin takes care of itself

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog
Published in
7 min readApr 29, 2021


Image: Licensed adobe stock by Serenkonata

Recently, I was running one of my lighthearted “Introduction to Bitcoin” events designed, as the name suggests, to introduce the concept of Bitcoin to people who hadn’t seen or understood it before.

Having now runs hundreds of these events over the last few years and directly reached many thousands of people all over the world, certain re-occurring questions and objections have consistently come up, exactly as you would expect.

Interestingly, however, those questions and objections have actually changed as the industry has evolved.

Yes, there are still (and probably always will be) questions about security, switching back between fiat currency and bitcoin, what backs it, how exactly it works and so on and they are, in fact, the exact same questions we all have when we first discover bitcoin.

They’re designed to find reassurance and credibility in what otherwise appears to be some weird made up internet money that a random person on the internet is telling you is actually a real thing. Honestly.

Over the last few months, a new objection/comment/question (call it what you will) has come to the forefront and is usually expressed in some…



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (jasondeane@msn.com)