Business Ideas that You Can Launch from Your Living Room

Remote Symfony Team
6 min readAug 27, 2019


In a world where almost everyone is tired of running around, going to interviews, securing a well-paid job or working two jobs to be able to make ends meet, working toward accomplishing someone else’s dream instead of their own, the idea of starting their own business, from their own living room couch, seems more and more appealing. And maybe it’s a great and successful idea, for them and for you as well. Why not start a business from your own home, which you can create, manage and invest in, while also washing a pile of laundry, watching the kids or relaxing in the backyard, on a sunbed, with a cold lemonade in one hand and a laptop on your lap?

But let’s delve a bit more into this tempting idea. Is it really as good as it sounds?

The pros and cons

First of all, there are obvious benefits to having your own business, operated from the comfort of your home: there are usually tax reductions, financial advantages and government incentives for this type of company; it offers stability, security and control, knowing that you cannot be fired or demoted unexpectedly; there is a possibility for spare time and much flexibility in deciding on a work schedule; it confers independence and a sense of confidence and pride.

Disadvantages would be overexertion, from handling numerous roles and assuming a lot of responsibility single-handedly and all at once; the risk of failure, whether financial or administrative; you may feel isolated and trapped inside your home, which is also your headquarters, or, quite the opposite, you are vulnerable to numerous interruptions from family members, friends, neighbors or salespeople, who believe that, since you are at home, it means you are available 24/7.

If you decide that the pros outweigh the cons and take a chance on such an endeavor, the first thing you need to do is think about what you like doing, think about what you are good at and consider what the market needs at the moment. Assess your talents and skills, find people who are as engaged as you to help you throw ideas around or even become associates, get to know the market and domain very well, make realistic plans and targets, create a business test with acquaintances or a small group of interested people and see where this takes you.

Examples of ideas that you can become involved in are countless, but here are just a few.


Yes, there are literally millions of blogs and vlogs, with dozens of others being created every minute, but the truth is that most of them do not offer valuable content that attracts and keeps viewers interested. If you find an interesting subject, a niche field or an unexplored theme, as well as have a flair for words and storytelling, you should definitely give it a try — these personal websites could actually bring in huge profits. At first, big companies will offer you free products or money to promote or advertise some of their services or products, but once the blog or vlog takes off, grows and develops into a recognizable brand, all the time and energy invested in it will be rewarded tenfold.


There will always be someone out there who needs a little help in a domain that you are an expert in. Whether it is math, literature, yoga, piano or entrepreneurship, your skills will definitely be of use for someone who wants to get to know the field better and expand their capabilities. In fact, lately, enrichment activities have started taking the place of classic educational tutoring — they are becoming more popular and in high demand. Nobody wants to learn rigid things from a manual or theories from a textbook, so the accent is now on fun and interesting ways of teaching anything, from physics, chemistry, arts and crafts, to swimming, martial arts, music lessons, etc.


If you are fluent and experienced in a foreign language, you can connect with companies or individuals who are in search of competent, serious, diligent work. Translations can be done in writing and interpreting can be performed over Skype or another communication channel, since many times, the actual presence of the translator is not needed in the room where a conference or another event is taking place. However, language skills must be complimented by a vast cultural knowledge and, sometimes, information specific for a certain domain (medical, legal, technical). Remember — the more obscure the language and the more the chosen domain is a niche one, the better the pay.

Life/career coaching

Consultancy is one of the most popular business ventures nowadays, with people looking for guidance in many aspects of their day-to-day or professional life. Finding a mentor can be difficult and expensive, but the results are lucrative and worthwhile. Developments in one’s life are priceless and if someone needs valuable and efficient advice, they will be willing to invest anything into getting it. If you have enough experience under your belt or, even better, a university degree in human resources or psychology, you might take up this type of business. Be sure that you get to know you clients very well, but also their needs and expectations, sharpen your interpersonal skills, demonstrate excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills and plenty of confidence. Don’t forget — you have to practice what you teach!


Find out about small craftsmen in your area or your domain of interest and offer them a viable option for selling their products or art. Whether you’ve taken up pottery or knitting yourself and need a marketplace for selling your pots or sweaters, or want to host and advertise things for other manufacturers, you can create a commercial website and put this idea to good use. Make sure you only endorse quality products, you have a wide exposure to clients and enhance your customer database constantly, and deliver the products quickly and adequately, in order to get good reviews and mouth-to-mouth publicity. You can earn revenue by charging a small fee from the artisans or from the clients who visit the e-store.

Up to you

So really, choosing to start a small business is an important personal decision, but you might want to consult with family or a specialist when making this decisive move.

At TRISOFT we know this decision involves hard work and sacrifices, but most entrepreneurs will agree that the advantage of being your own boss, deciding your own work schedule and working on a project you’re passionate about will bring rewards for the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for help throughout this process, and don’t forget to have some fun while you’re at it!


Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at or