SparkPoint and TipsyLabs AMA: The Recap

What itā€™s like to enter the TipsyLabs Ecosystem and TipsyWorld?

Published in
15 min readNov 4, 2021


Today, we will be talking about extraordinary! Because we just welcomed TipsyLabs in one of our #SparkyCommunity #AMA Series to spread the good story behind their bizarre project! šŸ˜‰

Wonder whatā€™s the deal with this team? Well, here it is.

TipsyLabs team created a virtual 3D world where adults have fun! They have the first Blockchain-based Adult Friendly Entertainment Ecosystem and at the same time, a payment platform.

The Tipsy ecosystem links the Tipsy native apps like TipsyCam or TipsyMarket with other apps deployed by developers, but also with external businesses where desirable. It will sustain itself through very small fees that will fuel the adult businesses of tomorrow. TipsyXchange will be the ecosystemā€™s core payment system, for both incoming and outgoing transactions. The developers and customers will enjoy the power of blockchain, and profit from the safety and transparency that comes with it.

Moving forward, weā€™ll be sharing a lot more through this AMA Recap! And I know this is quite making you curious now. So just sit back there, #Sparkies, and make sure to read ā€˜till the end because pretty sure, itā€™s worth knowing. šŸ˜‰

Letā€™s start!

The Recap

Karan: Hi Sparkies! Itā€™s time for Another AMA session. This time we have Stefan and Alex from Tipsy with us.

Tipsy is an app store ā€” and a place where adults have fun!

Itā€™s an open-source marketplace for adult entertainment. Itā€™s a platform where developers can create and deploy apps and games, merchants can sell goods and models can upload and share media or offer services such as video chat.

The Tipsy ecosystem links native apps like TipsyCam or TipsyMarket with other apps deployed by developers, but also with external businesses where needed. It will sustain itself through very small fees, fueling the adult businesses of tomorrow. TipsyXchange will be the core payment system of the ecosystem for incoming and outgoing transactions. Industry stakeholders will enjoy the power of blockchain, and profit from the safety and transparency that comes with it.

Tipsy delivers a whole new payment system that will serve merchants, service providers, and customers around the world, while helping them earn more, work in a safer environment, and deliver a higher-quality experience by using blockchain technology and the newest innovations in the world of tech. It will improve existing payment systems, disrupting the high fees for the great content strategy used by third-party payment providers. Countless businesses will be able to profit from our Tipsy payment system, from sports betting, casinos, and gaming, to video chatting, marketplaces for media and goods, and many other forms of adult entertainment.

Stefan: Thank you very much, gentleman.

Alex: We are glad to be here. Thank you.šŸ¤—

Karan: Letā€™s get started with a small introduction first about yourself and your crypto journey till now, Alex and Stefan.

Stefan: It is an honor to be here and find such a big and active community. We are looking forward to this collaboration.

Karan: Thanks on behalf of all the Sparkies present in here.

Stefan: I am Stefan, founder, and CEO of TipsyLabs. I have here with me, our CMO Alex. And together we will tell you about our project called Tipsy.

Karan: I believe it would be quite fun!

Stefan: Our team is made up of mostly young developers, graphic designers, techies, and crypto lovers.

Stefan: We took on a challenge to deliver you the most powerful entertainment platform dedicated to the adult industry. A one-stop solution from everything imaginable like games, apps, media, and merchandise to trading NFTs, digital properties, and other collectibles. And letā€™s not forget gambling and sports betting. Services like dating and video-chatting. And last but not least our TipsyWorld.

Karan: I believe it would be quite fun!

Stefan: Our team is made up of mostly young developers, graphic designers, techies, and crypto lovers.

We took on a challenge to deliver you the most powerful entertainment platform dedicated to the adult industry. A one-stop solution from everything imaginable like games, apps, media and merchandise to trading NFTs, digital properties and other collectibles. And letā€™s not forget gambling and sport betting, services like dating and video-chatting and last but not least our TipsyWorld.

Karan: Nice!

Stefan: A virtual 3D world where adults can interact and have fun but also build entire businesses. Where should I start? šŸ˜‚

Karan: Nice graphics.

Stefan: So the TipsyWorld it is. As you can see from that picture we are already deep into developing our 3D environment and we already have a working MVP on our website.

The password is Tipsy by the way.

Karan: Cool, Iā€™ll give it a try.

Stefan: It will be a digital world with lots of avatars representing real humans like our users or models. But also AI driven characters that will populate the world and make it more fun.

There, you will be able to meet your friends or lovers. Have fun and even trade stuff like rare objects that can be found in this world. Meet your favorite models, chit chat and date. Go to bars or even at ā€œyour placeā€ ;)

Karan: This character looks much like you @Stefan. Referring to your image on the website. šŸ˜†

Stefan: It actually is me.

Karan Sharma: Wow what a wild guess haha


Stefan: Here as my colleague is showing you, I am wearing a rokoko smart suit that we use to record the movements of the avatars. We are working on a technology that uses iPhone pro LIDAR to allow everyone to scan themselves into the TipsyWorld.

Stefan: We have actors men and women that are recording thousands of possible movements, depending on the interactions between the characters or with our digital environment.

It is going to be crazy and fun. Lots of quests to do but it is also an open world so you can choose for yourself what you want to do. Now the interesting part is that everything outside the TipsyWorld but from inside our ecosystem will also be accessible directly and very easy. Letā€™s say you want to place a bet on your favorite horse.

You will say ā€œhey Infinity, place a bet of 2000 tipsy on Maharadja for tonightā€

Karan: Will there be a digital derby? Just keen haha

Stefan: Why not?

Karan: Cool.

Stefan: Tipsy is an open-source platform so most of the services and apps will come from developers around the world.

Now.. you may be wondering who is Infinity?

Infinity is our intelligent assistant driven by AI and capable of deep learning herself into your perfect servant. She is capable of being your best friend, your listener, and even your lover. It depends on you on how intimate you want to become with her.

Karan: You canā€™t believe but my wild guess was right haha.

Stefan: Which one? :))

Karan: Infinity the AI.

Stefan: There you go. Good guess šŸ˜Š. Goes to show that Tipsy was necessary. But letā€™s head on and talk about what drove us to create Tipsy. Are you ok with that?

Karan: Sure.

Stefan: Well, first of all, lack of security.

Karan: Really keen to know much about your ideas

Stefan: Most of us using adult entertainment stuff know what I am talking about. Unsafe websites, unsafe payment methods, registering everywhere or risking being infected with a virus when clicking on banners from free sites. So we came up with one solution. Our streamed environment.

Karan: Interesting.

Stefan: Together with the blockchain technology we are pretty sure that we can achieve a maximum level of security when it comes to transactions but also private data. You will only register once with a KYC third party like Onfido. Receive a special token in your wallet and with that token, you can access everything.

Not even we will know who you really areā€¦

Only in special cases. And by using cloud streaming you will gain access to the most secure entertainment platform by using only a browser. You only need good internet and a gadget with a browser and of course an input methodā€¦ either keyboard or joystick or some VR goggles.

Karan: Cool, so privacy is also considered. I like that.

Stefan: It will be yes. It is one of the first and most important things but to the point where we need to make sure that you are not underage. Be a user or a model, will all be checked.

Karan: Now that is important as well.

Stefan: Which is very important yes. We need to protect the minors and who knowsā€¦ maybe one day we can really separate them from the adult part of life completely. We all know that children today have access to porn and sadly little do the existing platforms do to stop that. As if a ā€œare you over 18?ā€ Question will stop the 14-year-old to enter. Letā€™s be honest, the only way is to get KYC done but one time for good.

Now there are a lot of other reasons why we did Tipsy. Like for example, a lot of unwanted services or apps and games are out there and we canā€™t separate easily the good one from the bad ones.

I myself am a hentai comic books fan. And the best way to find good quality books is to register and pay. Which is ok but, is my data kept safe?

Karan: Cool.

Stefan: And also, the models are constantly looking for ways to work more efficiently. To interact with their fans and deliver better quality. This is where innovation and a good quality-based structure come into place. We have designed our platform to be made out of different modules. But all modules will work seamlessly together. Like the TipsyWorld and TipsyFans module.

You can buy merchandise from your favorite model on TipsyFans and use it in the TipsyWorld. Or trade NFTs that you bought on our TipsyMarket everywhere on our ecosystem.

Karan: Nice that.

Stefan: It will be great and you will love it! Do you have any questions so far?

Karan: You are a good explainer. No doubts so far lol

Stefan: Thank you. We are working on our project since 2018. Many will ask themselves what we did.

Well first of all we brought our team together and put our ideas and Workflows on paper. We studied the market and asked thousands of models and users what they need. Then we designed the platform also on paper.

How it should work and what will that bring to the existing market?

Is it something that people need? We answered that question 100 times and then got to the drawing board. Then we tested technologies like motion capture, what game engine to use.

We went for unreal engine. And here we are and here is our project. It will be great.

Karan: Wow you have spent a big-time so far.

Stefan: We have a lot of partnerships coming up. Lots of companies that want to develop inside the TipsyWorld.

Karan: Amazing.

Stefan: Also lots of models from existing platforms that want to deliver to their fans high-quality services without a hassle and also being paid more for less work because of the live stream or offline avatar experience. Let me explain.

A model will be paid up to 98% of what she is receiving on our platform, depending on the milestones that she achieved.

How many NFTs did she create and sell, how many fans in her Fanclub she has and other stuff that is quality related?

A fan can see her live in our TipsyCam module.

Buy her merchandise also using the TipsyMarket module that will work as an eBay for adults. Join her Fanclub and even interact with her inside the TipsyWorld. Online and offline experience. All together a complete package.

So the models love that.

Letā€™s move on. :) I can write for hours about our TipsyWorld and other modules. But I guess you are also interested in the business kind of side of it all right?

Karan: Yep.

Stefan: Well everything is only going to work with our utility tokens called, Tada.. tipsy tokens :))

Karan: This reminds me of GTA games I played in childhood.

Stefan: Using the tipsy tokens for buying stuff or paying for transactions will be like riding your favorite ride at the fair.

Stefan: Also you can buy, rent or sell properties. We are putting our first land parcels up for sale in November to be able to access all our features inside our TipsyWorld, you will have a place to stay. So it will be a flat or a house or a villa. Also for businesses... they will need an office, it is a great way to earn passively by renting properties.

Karan: Interesting. So, itā€™s like a real-world in there.

Stefan: Exactly. And real estate plays an important role

Karan: Just keen to ask, which chain will be used for it?

Stefan: So we are using not one but three chains. All incoming and outgoing transactions happen on BSC at the moment. The NFTs will be on the Ethereum network and everything inside the Tipsy ecosystem will be powered by the Elrond network. They are very fast and we need speed for micropayments services like sports betting. The interoperability is secured by our TipsyWallet so you donā€™t have to worry about changing the networks. It will happen automatically.

Karan: Cool.

Stefan: So I guess we will take questions from the community now.

Karan: Letā€™s do it. Action time sparkies! Keep your questions ready, unmuting the chat in a few seconds.

Live Questions

Q: How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you with the development of the project?

The community is very important because it is made up of either users or models or merchants. We all use adult services, apps or games. Almost all.

Q: Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us?

Yes we do please visit our page and you can gain access to all our social media channels from there.

Q: Currently, NFT is very hot, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the future?

Our entire platform is using NFTs. From rare objects to videos and pictures, real estate properties or access keys to places unknown to everyone. :)

Q: Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many projects developed here so what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here?

We are going for Japan and South Korea.

Q: Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your signs of progress and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you have started this project?

We can do better. We are constantly improving our quality management system and analyzing our doing after each milestone reached. I believe that we are doing great.

Q: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough funds. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough funds for its development Can you tell us that how your project generates profit?

We already funded the first module TipsyFans and our land sale module that will drive the real estate part of the project is also in the making. We are doing well.

Q: What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future? While you build your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands?

Exactly! Our community is very important and that is why we are implementing a voting system where the community can choose what services or apps and games will go live. Also you are always welcome with feedback.

Q: Trust is very important in business, what makes investors, customers, and users feel safe when working with your project?

We are all openly answering all your questions and we are doxed. Also, we are audited.

Q: Are you planning to promote your project in countries/regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

Expansion is very important yes and everyone can build a community for Tipsy in every language possible yes.

Q: How can the COMMUNITY supports and help in the success of your project?

You can tell everyone about us. We are also having some bounties but please feel free to join our telegram group and we can talk about it there.

Q: The COVID-19 outbreak has affected every business in the world. Is your project affected by this? Is it in a better way or a bad way?

It actually drives our project even further and we can only see an even better use to help people come together in such times

Q: How can I buy tokens from your project? Will you have a program to sell tokens to users in the near future?

We are already listed on pancake swap and soon also on spark swap. We absolutely love the idea of our collaboration and we are definitely looking forward to working with spark on our other doing like staking. :)

Q: Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program? If yes, how can I be one?

Yes we have but our ambassadors are more like .. adult models. Feel free to contact Alex after the AMA.

Q: When will your tokens be listed on the exchange and which exchanges do you plan to list on in the future?

We are currently in the final steps to signing with one CeX and we will make the announcement soon.

Q: I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosystem periodically and also invite developers to build?

We will have code testing events to assure the security of the system yes. Also bounties. You will be able to participate.

Q: Nearly 80% of investors only focus on short-term token price instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your tokens in the long term?

The benefits are in the use case. To access the services and apps and games or media, you will need tokensā€¦ so the tokens have to be purchased from holders. But we donā€™t give financial advices to anyone. We are only presenting our project.

Q: How secure is your platform to use? Have you done audits of a smart contract? What security measures are adopted from bugs of smart contract and hacking?

We have audited our contract with Certik yes. All future Development will be audited but also by the community.

Q: Your project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share us with the inspiration for approaching this name?

It is, catchy at least. We had a long night of fun and this is what we came up with. :))

Q: Can you list 1ā€“3 killer features of your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

The one that is very important is the fact that all modules work together and that it will be a one stop solution for every adult entertainment digital need imaginable. You will register once and gain access to everything.

Second one is that we use innovation and quality as the thing that drives everything. People will be able to vote which service app or game is needed and can enter the ecosystem.

The open source part which allows our project to be self audited and not only written by our developers but by devs around the world.

Stefan: I believe that is enough for today. Thank you everyone for having us here. Please join our group for more:

Karan: Hope you enjoyed it, @Stefan @Alex.

Stefan: We loved it!!! Everyone that participated with questions and got their question answered will be contacted by Alex and receive their price!!! Thanks again.

Ok, Sparkies! Hope youā€™re still feeling sober right now (LOL šŸ˜‚)because that quite got me tipsy. But kidding aside, the TipsyLabs team proved to us today that thereā€™s nothing that can stop the technology! We thank Mr. Stefan and Alex for sharing their story with us, from ā€œwhere it all startedā€ to ā€œwhat are the things that we should be excited about with their projectā€. And for now, I am pretty sure about this: FUN. šŸ˜‰

Thatā€™s it for todayā€™s recap, Sparkies! šŸš€ Always stay in touch with us! šŸ™Œ

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