The next chapter: Network of Momentum Phase 0 Decentralized Transition Mechanism

3 min readMay 20, 2021


Decentralization is at the core of Zenon.

A one of a kind Decentralized Transition Mechanism has been developed to ensure both fair participation and a smooth transition from the legacy network towards NoM Phase 0.

The DTM features two complementary components: the Zenon Public Incentivized Testnet and the Genesis Convergence, culminating with the Zenon Alphanet Launch, the Big Bang moment for NoM Phase 0.

Introducing Plasma Points

The dual coin mechanism that stands at the foundation of NoM Phase 0 is represented by the intrinsic synergy between ZNN and QSR.

Acquiring QSR was only possible during the QSR lockdrop that was live several months ago for a brief period of time. This translated into a very limited number of users that were able to participate and acquire QSR.

Consequently, in order to provide greater decentralization and accesibility of QSR, a new distribution scheme will be available for all Public Incentivized Testnet participants during the Incentivization period, which starts when the Public Incentivized Testnet is live and ends at Alphanet Launch.

Plasma Points is a ZTS token exclusively available during the Incentivization Period that will be converted to QSR at Alphanet Launch at the following ratio: 1000 PP = 1 QSR

Zenon Public Incentivized Testnet

The Zenon Public Incentivized Testnet represents a release candidate version of the Alphanet. In order to participate, anyone can follow the following steps:

  • Download the latest version of the syrius wallet
  • Securely backup the Seed Vault
  • Navigate to the Incentivization tab
  • Complete quests and accumulate Plasma Points
  • After Alphanet Launch, import the Seed Vault into the Alphanet syrius wallet

Genesis Convergence

The community will need to coordinate in a decentralized manner for a successful Alphanet Launch. There are 4 stages for the Genesis Convergence outlined below.

Stage 1: Genesis Legacy Snapshot Block

The Genesis Legacy Snapshot Block will be announced on all public channels prior to Alphanet launch.

The Pillars that are active on the legacy network at the announced block, will become part of the Public Incentivized Testnet Genesis.

Eligible legacy Pillars will then have the opportunity to become Genesis Pillars, participate into the Genesis Assembly and produce the first momentums for the Alphanet.

Stage 2: Genesis Pillar & Genesis Incentivized Snapshot Momentum

A second snapshot, the Genesis Incentivized Snapshot Momentum will happen in the last day of the Public Incentivized Testnet.

Legacy Pillar operators will need to download the latest version of the syrius wallet or the command line tool and setup a Genesis Pillar on the Public Incentivized Testnet.

To become a Genesis Pillar, a legacy Pillar must satisfy the following conditions simultaneously:

  • Active & produced >90% of its target momentums on the Public Incentivized Testnet during the last day
  • Continue to be active on the legacy network

Stage 3: Genesis Assembly

Once the Public Incentivized Testnet ends, the Genesis of the Alphanet will be generated based upon the states of the legacy network and the Public Incentivized Testnet.

It will include all eligible Genesis Pillars and updated QSR balances computed from the number of Plasma Points that have been accumulated during the Public Incentivized Testnet.

Stage 4: Alphanet Big Bang

The eligible Genesis Pillars will load the Alphanet Genesis from a decentralized source and wait for the Big Bang singularity.

At Big Bang, a randomly selected Genesis Pillar will produce the first momentum: a small step for a Genesis Pillar, a huge leap for Zenon.

Network of Momentum Phase 0

From this point forward, all users will have the possibility to join the Alphanet and start swapping their ZNN and QSR, marking the start of the Alphanet Swap Cycles.

A new era for Zenon is on the horizon.

