The Importance of Converting Social Media Followers into Clients

Remote Symfony Team
5 min readMar 29, 2021


A good online presence is essential for any business or entrepreneur. The more people get to see and interact with your pages, advertisements and content, the more attention and potential customers you attract.

However, although having followers is nice and flattering, if they do not turn into real clients, then your investments and efforts might have been futile in terms of sales and profit.

The year 2020 has taught us the importance of online marketing and a strong Internet presence, as well as the fact that we have to be prepared for anything. Therefore, in order to help a business survive and, moreover, thrive in the future, followers and fans need to start being converted into paying customers or users.

They could use it

If someone has liked or is following your social media page, it means they appreciate or could use your products or services. Maybe your content appeals to them because it’s funny, innovative or informative. Maybe they would like to recommend it to some else who would be a better fit with your offer.

Get to understand what exactly makes each person interested in what you have to offer, then use the knowledge you gain to create and implement a practical strategy for retaining loyal clients and turning views and likes into profit.


Another aspect to keep in mind is that hackers have noticed the great potential of this increase in online work and access, so they have started stealing and putting up for ransom various social media pages and accounts. And if the only link you had to your prospective buyers was there, what are you going to do now?

It’s safe and wise to try to draw them offline or to a backup virtual medium, by establishing an alternate way of reaching them (newsletters via email, telephone number, Skype nickname, etc.) or turning them into real-life customers that visit your office or shop and thus interact with you face-to-face.


Entice visitors to share their information with you, by offering something in return, such as discounts, giveaways or the possibility of winning a prize. Offering a certain percentage off the first purchase is one of the most efficient ways of convincing people to actually buy a product or service from you. In order to get ahead of your competition, the benefits and advantages you offer have to be more appealing than theirs.

Likes and comments are an important way of knowing what people think about you and whether they are satisfied with what you have to offer, but they need to be capitalized on, in order to keep your business afloat and bring in much needed finances.


The current situation and challenges are surely keeping you busy and overwhelmed, but you need to follow the steps toward a successful conversion of the people who follow your virtual updates.

Create unique content for each platform that you are present on, so as to respond to the specific expectations of the targeted audience. Use more than simple links and eye-catching logos or phrases to attract your clientele. People want substantial information and articles they can learn from, instead of an easy read or something to pass the time.

They can find enough of that everywhere, from Facebook to blogs or YouTube channels, therefore try to promote your business by providing meaningful, interesting content that users find captivating and genuine. Constantly keep track of the traffic on each of your media outlets, so that you know which one is worth investing more in and could yield better results in terms of converting a percentage of visitors into customers.


Ask for feedback and try to develop a somewhat close relation to viewers and fans, since this is what will determine them to pursue a relationship with your company offline. People want connection, compassion and sympathy and are willing to accept it wherever they can get it. Create polls to discover their views and opinions, and after you’ve made a decision, let them know what will change and what will stay the same.

If you’re not sure how alluring your online persona is, you can hire a specialist to take care of this aspect. Remember, websites and social media pages need to be clear, enticing, easy to navigate, accessible and user-friendly. Also, you have to tempt your followers — create stories, give offers and provide experience. You have to persuade your audience to turn into loyal customers, but not by directly asking them to do so. Offer good content and watch your rating grow. Make your fans and followers feel special, by offering them presents or mentioning them in posts and pictures.

From fan to client

At TRISOFT, we think that businesses have to prepare and concentrate more on converting viewers into real customers, as this is the ultimate goal of their social media marketing campaigns.

Plan your marketing strategies, provide irresistible offers and promotions, share stories with fans and encourage them to participate in conversations. Once they feel connected with your company, they will readily turn into customers, as well as refer you to their family and friends.

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Remote Symfony Team

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