Prevent Social Media Marketing Mistakes by Observing a Few Basic Steps

Remote Symfony Team
5 min readApr 14, 2021


The Internet and social media are here to stay. Whether it’s with the aid of one platform or another, everyone wants and needs to stay connected and aware of what is happening around them, therefore they will always be a great medium for marketing and advertising opportunities.

Companies should constantly strive to and invest in creating a great business, serve more people in a proper manner and bring value to the industry. Instead of wasting time and money on inefficient strategies and tactics, they should plan and observe a certain method of doing things, so as to avoid making the following mistakes.

1. Posting inconsistently

Most companies start off extremely motivated and active, but after a while, the enthusiasm fades and the page seems to die out. This is somewhat understandable, since entrepreneurs and workers have a lot of tasks and activities to tend to on a daily basis, and although they invest a great deal of energy at the beginning of the project, as it becomes routine and maybe the results are a bit late in showing, they focus on other assignments and lose sight of the enterprise at hand. However, as the importance of social media comes to their attention again and again, it leads to an entire cycle of tumult and recess.

It’s a shame to create momentum and then lose it, so when you catch the attention of readers or followers, try to keep it going and maintain the audience engaged. Inconsistency in posts will raise questions regarding inconsistency in general with regard to the firm. Consistency will make clients assume that you are equally consistent in other aspects of your business and thus, they will tend to trust you more. Moreover, Internet algorithms will show your content more often and more fervently to users, as the number of posts grows and then stabilizes.

Consequently, as more people engage with the content, it will indicate to the algorithm that it is valuable and should be presented to even more people, which leads to massive exposure and great results.

2. Choosing uninspired topics

It’s difficult to come up with enough content to maintain a strong presence on social media, but that doesn’t mean we should take anything that crosses our mind and turn it into a post. Ideally, texts and pictures should be related to the domain or industry that the company activates in, but that doesn’t mean we cannot stray from the matter at hand.

As long as the subject shares common core values and principles with our brand’s policy, we can tackle it and create interesting, informative and entertaining content to attract more viewers.

A few stories should be directly connected to the products or services that you provide, others must inform customers with regard to what you can do for them now and in the future, whereas a few can periodically remind viewers who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

3. Using the wrong platforms

Every social network has its own typical traits and habits. Therefore, what works on one may not work on another, or what is acceptable on one may drive away customers on the other. There can even be unique nuances within a single network, so marketing strategies should focus on the specificities of each network, how the brand is to be presented and active on every platform, and moreover, which one suits the brand’s persona best. Maybe TikTok isn’t the ideal choice for a medical or technological firm, but it may be the right option for food providers or dance schools.

However, this isn’t a rule set in stone, so if an entrepreneur has a novel and fun way or doing things and would like to try their hand on the more youth-oriented social media (such as TikTok or Snapchat) or a more rigid one, they should definitely go for it. Also, if you choose to be available on several platforms, you should be aware that content which fits well on Facebook might need to be adapted for Instagram or Twitter.

Some have space or letter limitations, others simply appeal to a different kind of audience (Instagram is more visual, Tumblr attracts blog fans, YouTube is video-based, Pinterest draws creative people, LinkedIn is more professional). The best move is to start by having a minimal presence on each of the major platforms, and from there, strategically choose which ones to invest more time, energy and money into.

4. Inviting friends or random people to like your pages

The ideal situation would be that only people with a real interest in your activity would engage with your profiles and pages, but in reality, things are seldom this straightforward. It’s tempting to ask friends and family to add their names to the list of subscribers or followers, but if they only do it for you and to be supportive, their lack of engagement with your content will affect your visibility for other people as well. This is how algorithms work.

The same applies for random people who end up on your page accidentally and then never interact with your posts. It also hurts you from a brand perception perspective: why do you have thousands of likes or subscriptions, but few to no comments or reactions? Instead of simply clicking the “invite” button and adding a multitude of names, invite people manually, through email, DM or even paid posts. This gives them the option to join if they’re interested, without feeling forced.

Our advice

At TRISOFT, we believe that If you want great results from your social media efforts, you need to do more than just post a steady stream of content.

You have to actually engage with your audience and show that you care about them and their interests, then cater specifically to their needs and passions.

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Remote Symfony Team

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