How to create an awesome 2020 for yourself and your business

Remote Symfony Team
5 min readFeb 25, 2020


The new year has already begun. Do you still have some leftover resolutions from last year, or maybe even 2017, 2016 and further back, which you didn’t get the chance to put into practice or simply forgot about? Well, this is your chance to stop procrastinating and make sure they don’t get postponed to 2021 and further. Turn them into real, actionable plans and find ways to make them come true.

Think big

The first thing you should do is shoot for the stars. If you think small, then the results you achieve will match your thinking. Expand your objectives, set some outstanding short- and long-term goals and see how this perspective will influence your overall efficiency.

IF you shoot for the moon and don’t succeed, you’ll still be among the stars and much higher than the people who aimed at a mere mountain top.

Make them palpable

After you’ve narrowed your dreams and desires to a specific few, it’s time to sit down, take a pen and a piece of paper and write them down. This activity makes them seem more real and forces you to become more structured, organized and methodical.

Research has shown that concrete goals that are written down have more chances to turn into reality than those which remain at the stage of words or even unspoken ideas.

Find the skills

When it comes to actually accomplishing these dreams, think about what exactly you will need and what will help you do it more easily. Identify a couple of things that might need or want to learn: a new skill set, an ability, a computer program. They can be useful for you personally or professionally, but they should bring added value to your life, not just tick another box in your resume or help you show off in front of your friends. Find resources that you can exploit, sign up for an online course, go to a class, hire a coach or read a few books on the subject of your interest. If you strive to learn constantly, you will feel and act more energized, animated and determined.

Be generous

If things have worked well for you until now, maybe it’s time to think about those less fortunate. Join a charity, volunteer at an association, adopt a pet or help others achieve their dreams. By giving back, you help others, but you also help yourself, by gaining a new attitude toward life and knowing that you influenced a life for the better. Don’t forget: what goes around comes around, and if you spread good and generosity around, it will surely make its way back to you.

Manage the stress

Building and strengthening your business, while also helping those in need will definitely take its toll on you intellectually and mentally, so you might want to get ahead of fatigue and burnout by practicing meditation, a sport or other stress management activities. Avoid negativity and tension triggers, such as gloomy news, pessimistic people or unfavorable circumstances. Make this new year all about positivity, hope and growth. Take up a new hobby, something that brings you pleasure, helps you unwind or is therapeutic in some manner. You deserve it and it can be a lifesaver in times of need, when the tasks and the intensity of everyday life or of you career may seem unbearable.

Stay connected to the people you love or who mean something to you: family, friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers that inspired you in some way. If they love you unconditionally, you should show them the same appreciation. Call them, visit them, send them emails, connect with them regularly and don’t be afraid to show your emotions.

Plan a vacation!

And, last but not least, something everyone loves to think about at the beginning of the new year: vacation! Make it fundamental to take some time off, plan a wonderful holiday alone or with your dear ones, a place that inspired you or where you relaxed, or somewhere you’ve never been to before. Make sure you disconnect from work completely, so that you can recharge your batteries and come back to the workplace with new energy and the desire to achieve great things. Vacations are not a whim, they are a necessity that should be taken seriously. Advise your co-workers or employees to do the same and you will see that the working environment will transform, turning into a more positive and relaxed one.

Cheers to the New Year

As Oprah Winfrey loves to say on each New Year’s Eve: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Regardless of what happened in past years, this is a new beginning and we have the power to choose what to do with it. We need to find our motivation and work on improving ourselves, our business and our results. 2020 can be a period of changes and outstanding experiences.

A prosperous 2020 from all of us at TRISOFT!


Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at or