How to speak to be heard out

Remote Symfony Team
5 min readJul 23, 2018


You know that saying - It’s the tone that makes the music - and isn’t it true for all of us and in all areas of our lives, including the business one.

It was Albert Mehrabian, a renowned professor and a nonverbal communication thinker who first came up with the idea that successful communication is made up of three parts: the words you use, your tone of voice and your body language. In business however its little that we use on face-to-face communication, so body language can be ruled out, leaving as most important the words and especially the tone of voice when we write content of any kind: emails, newsletters, communications of all sorts.

A tone of voice is an expression of a company’s values and way of thinking, and it’s not to be considered lightly. Just how the tone of your life partner’s voice when speaking can instigate hurt feelings, or even an argument, the wrong tone of voice in your content can also put off potential customers.

Let’s see exactly what your tone does or does not do for your business.

1. It tells people who you are

When choosing an identity for your brand, you should know exactly what your values and intentions are. Lying isn’t a good idea. If your business is not about jolly, hopeful thinking, then your tone of voice should not be either. You should always stay true to yourself.

If your key customers are businessmen and women, your tone might be authoritative and professional but if you’re targeting teenagers, then it should be lighter and quirky. Advertise your best self, be consistent about it and you will soon reap the results — your brand will become more professional and likeable to your target audience.

2. It singles you out

Being set apart from your competition is one of the biggest challenges of businessmen all around the world. Being unique is really about innovation and being on top of your game all the time, and communicating smartly and passionately will only potentiate your skills and capabilities.

Our business voices will help clients and partners see who we are: quiet or angry, amazing or dull, grave or with a great sense of humor. It can demonstrate any attribute that you want to display to consumers, and sets you apart from your competition.

3. It can help you build trust

Familiarity brings secureness. When you choose your tone of voice and you are constant about it throughout all your means of communication, people start knowing you and they start to identify a certain personality with your brand.

This is how you build trust through your voice. By doing this, customers feel more at ease and they perceive you as genuine.

4. It can influence and persuade

Once you’ve managed to gain the trust of your collaborators, you can take it next level to influencing their decisions and persuading them into doing business with you.

So if your tone of communication is liked and respected by those you are working with, good business will surely follow. After all, clients are more likely to do business with a company they like and trust.

What about spoken communication?

Of course, written communication is easier to learn and manage. But what of spoken communication? How do we watch our tone in a public speech or presentation?

There are many ways in which we can educate and improve our speech patterns, but we will consider just a few, to get you started on thinking about how you can become a better orator.

1. Slow down

As nervous as you are, don’t try to compensate by speaking quickly, as you wont be followed and understood. Practice speaking at a slow pace.

2. Breathe

As you speak slowly, remember to breathe naturally. Don’t hyperventilate or hold your breath to make a good impression on your pectoral muscles.

3. Relax

A few moments prior to speaking in public, try to relax and focus on being there, in the moment. Stop thinking about any other business or personal issues and concentrate on what you have to do and what you are about to say.

4. Articulate

Don’t mumble! Practice opening your mouth correctly and articulating every word, so that people would understand you.

5. Control the volume

Considering your intentions, the volume at which you speak is essential. Especially when you have a microphone in your hand. Speak too softly and you might come across as meek, but speak too loudly and that may come across as abrasive.

6. Pause

Intentionally, that is. Take purposeful pauses, so that your audience (and yourself at times) can process what you are saying.

7. Practice

Ask a friend or your spouse to accompany you in the conference room prior to your event and give you feedback on your tone of speech and not only.

8. Record yourself

Although it may sound childish, recording yourself and then listening and correcting may really help you improve.

Like she said, it’s not what you say, but how you say it :)

Its true, our voices tell a lot more than perhaps we’d like. And this doesn’t only happen in our private conversations or business talks in our office with colleagues and clients, but also in our written communication — emails, social media, newsletters, marketing.

Acknowledging that your tone is important for your business is the first step. The second is taking measures to align with what is agreed to bring a positive hue to our image. The third is perfecting our skills constantly, so that our business permanently reflects our values and the efforts we put into accomplishing our goals.

Here at TRISOFT we try to keep a professional tone about everything we do. And from time to time, optimism and good humor stand out. Life is even more beautiful when we laugh (or laugh it out, that works too! Ha ha!)


Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at or