Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2022


From Past to Present: How Playio is Growing to be the Best Value for Gamers

Playio started with one mission: to become the best gaming environment for mobile gamers everywhere to feel appreciated. That means constantly developing an atmosphere catered to the player while also providing the best value for gamers. However, making this mission a reality was not an easy task. To get where we are today, Playio overcame many obstacles. To this day, our team at GNA Company Corp. aspires to make Playio one of the top gaming platforms by continuously improving upon its capabilities.

Humble Beginnings

From the start, CEO Jason Choi set out to create a gaming platform that properly recognized gamers for their efforts. It took many years and multiple iterations, however he never gave up on the idea of creating a better mobile gaming platform. He understood that while video games are a prevalent part of today’s entertainment industry, most gamers are not appreciated and are even criticized for their love of video games.

Instead, only the top players and content creators garner compensation through lucrative deals and sponsorships within the gaming community. Their success is well deserved, but not indicative of the greater gaming community which rarely receives any form of recognition.That is why most players today feel that their voice has no weight.

So when Jason and the Playio team launched the then Korean-based platform in February 2021, they aimed to create a friendly gaming environment which caters to all facets of the mobile player’s needs. From open communication between the company and the player to real world rewards for in-game efforts, Playio offers a supportive gaming ecosystem which recognizes users for their achievements in-game.

Where We Are Today

Today, Playio has grown into a platform of, by, and for the gamer. With improved social gaming networks and personalized game catalogs for each user, players feel more connected and appreciated within the Playio community.

This appreciation can be seen in the platform’s organic growth, as over 1,000,000 downloads in the past year have been attributed to word-of-mouth advertising. Playio’s monthly average user count also recently topped over 400,000 users in September, more than double that of the next globally leading app.

The platform’s success is impressive. However, the real credit goes to the users. By providing the player a genuinely catered gaming experience beyond the bounds of most play-to-earn platforms, Playio has grown through organic expansion across the Korean gaming community.

Where We Plan to Be

With its successful launch in Korea, Playio recently launched its U.S. version so that the platform can truly be a supportive gaming ecosystem for gamers everywhere.

Like any expansion, there are bound to be challenges along the way. However, our team at Playio is confident that they can create the best product for their American audience.

At its core, Playio was born to be global. Video games and their communities have no borders, and creating a supportive mobile game environment means going beyond the Korean market.

If you want to see where Playio goes from here, download the platform to see for yourself how we are changing the mobile gaming landscape. Currently, Playio is available across all Androids in the United States and Korea.

