The zeitgeist of design for cars, and your personal space

Thoughts on Apple Car, Part 137

Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car
5 min readAug 6, 2019


With his book Are We There Yet?, Dan Albert wrote a comprehensive history of cars and the automotive evolution. In a segment that caught my eye, he describes how influential the aviation industry was during and after the Second World War. People were expecting to own a private plane after the war, as this was naturally presented by advertising at the time.

When this didn’t play out, a number of factors came together to have the auto industry come to life as we know it until today. I recommend the book to everyone interested in why things are they way they are.

Cars were designed like airplanes

As an effect of the average US consumer who was primed to lust for airplanes, the first post-war car designs resembled them. As many aviation references as possible were added in countless ways to the basic design of the car.



Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car

Mobility Lead & Creative Director at Virtual Identity w/ 15 years XP on mobility brands in digital, blogging about #strategy, the #ClimateCrisis, and #AppleCar.