Effects of Hot Climate on the Skin

Taj Seif
Scientific Skincare
3 min readJun 9, 2017

Sun Exposure & Skin Care

When the weather outside turns warm and inviting, it is natural to want to go out and spend some time in it. Lifting your face to the warm sunshine at the beach, park, or trail can be tempting, especially when it’s been cold out and you feel lacking in vitamin D. Although these activities may seem tempting, you must be careful and be aware of the dangers that a hot climate can have on your skin.

Tropical Acne

The name for everyday acne is acne vulgaris. This occurs when hair follicles in the skin get inflamed and become irritated and infected. Tropical acne occurs when acne is caused to be aggravated by a hot, humid climate, causing it to be more severe. Tropical acne commonly affects those who live near the equator but it can also affect people who live in any hot and humid climate.

A climate is humid because there’s moisture in the air. With excess moisture, the pores in your skin will open allowing allergens, dirt, and oil in. These pollutants can enter pores causing them to become inflamed, irritated and then it can lead to infection.


In the United States, there are 3 million cases of eczema, making it a very common condition. An itchy, red rash that can excrete a serum or a puss and may become crusted or scaly is generally known as eczema. The most commonly seen type is called atopic dermatitis. Hot temperatures and humid climates may not directly cause eczema but they can often irritate the skin and cause eczema symptoms to exacerbate. Sweating form hot and humid temperatures can cause your body to be irritated and dehydrated also causing symptoms to escalate.


Being in a hot and humid climate usually means that you are closer to the sun and its harmful radiation which can be the most dangerous part of this climate. UV rays from the sun can damage the skin when exposed too excessively. A sunburn can damage your skin even if it’s not blistering or peeling. Just the slightest bit of pink can mean it’s damaged. A sunburn is temporarily painful but it’s the long term, more permanent effects that your skin is more prone to develop after each sunburn that can be very dangerous. Some of the more permanent effects include more risk for melanoma, skin cancer, and damaging of the middle skin layer, called the dermis, which can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging and unhealthy skin. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can also come about from sunburns.

Even though the sun can be harmful, we all still want to go outside! Just make sure to protect yourself with a gentle SPF moisturizer, such as the natural and effective one from Geneva Naturals.



Taj Seif
Scientific Skincare

Hey! I’m Taj, a skin care expert. I will be posting stories that have to do with the tangible, technical, and scientific sides of taking care of your skin.