How Overwashing Causes Dry Skin

Taj Seif
Scientific Skincare
2 min readJun 6, 2017

A clean face and hands are good things, but it is possible to wash them too often, as overwashing can significantly dry out your skin. Many face and body cleansers contain harsh ingredients, like sodium or ammonium sulfate, that contribute to drying out your skin. Hand sanitizers contain high levels of alcohol, which strips your skin of moisture. This quickly leads to skin dryness and irritation. Here are some things to be aware of when washing your skin.

Be selective

If your job, or other needs, requires you to frequently wash your hands, try to use soap that is specially made for sensitive skin. Also, use hand lotion throughout the day and before you go to bed. It will work overnight to repair and hydrate your skin. Make sure to also use a face moisturizer. Make sure your face and body cleansers also have gentle ingredients. Look for products that are dye and fragrance free, as well as alcohol free.

Hard water and dry skin

If your skin feels tight and dry immediately after a shower, hard water may be the problem. Hard water contains minerals such as magnesium and calcium that, when exposed to soap, leaves behind a film residue. You may be able to see this on your shower walls or door. Hard water can also leave build-up like this in your skin. Natural oils become trapped in pores and are then unable to moisturize the skin as needed, leaving it feeling dry and irritated.

Soften it up

You may want to invest in a water softener if hard water is causing your skin problems. Water softeners remove the minerals that strip your skin of its much needed moisture. Water softeners require very little or no maintenance, once they are installed. You can even rent one for a monthly fee, if buying one is not a good option for you.



Taj Seif
Scientific Skincare

Hey! I’m Taj, a skin care expert. I will be posting stories that have to do with the tangible, technical, and scientific sides of taking care of your skin.