A new dapp a day, keeps the doctor away.

Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Dear DApper,

I did indeed alter the saying in the title from the one we have heard many times while growing. At least on my end, my parents would say “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. Did you grow up with a similar saying? Please share, those are always entertaining!

Development news at State of the DApps

Volume is now global (usd) on statistics:

Ranking deltas are now available as well:

Last week’s treasures:

  • Infiniverse is a decentralized augmented reality (AR) platform and persistent virtual world on top of the real world, powered by the EOS blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Users can bring digital content into the real world, allowing it to be seen and interacted with by any other nearby users. Infiniverse has its own economy and virtual currency: Infinicoin, an EOS token. Infinicoin is used to register land and make transactions on the marketplace. EOS| Profile 💪 100% | Rank #161
  • eosDAC is a community of EOSDAC token holders bonded together via a constitution to realize the vision of making block production open for everyone. Token holders can elect 12 custodians whose mission will be to lead the DAC to achieve its vision of excellent EOSIO block production and DAC Enabling. EOS| Profile 💪 91%

Yes, only two that had strong profiles and fun concepts for last week’s submitted DApps. To all dappers that submitted with us, if you would have liked to see your dapp in our weekly DApp overview, go and improve your profile, we have the profile strength to guide you in filling up the form.✌️

See you next week and enjoy some cake!

P.S: Don’t forget to submit your DApp even if you haven’t launched yet, and test our Android application or just come over to telegram chat with us



Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog

Community Director @ State of the DApps. Community Lead @mStable. Strategic startup development.