Some notes about net neutrality.

(40 Point Listicle is the new 95 Theses)

Farooq (SF Ali) 📊🅿️Ⓜ️
The Startup
4 min readDec 15, 2017


1. Net neutrality is a vital institution of today’s free world.

2. Net neutrality enforces democratization of information.

3. Net neutrality forces ISPs to treat all data equal (Wiki).

4. Net neutrality seeks to treat the Internet as public utility.

5. Net neutrality is quite literally a freedom of speech issue.

6. Net neutrality is supported by 83% of Americans (WaPo).

7. Net neutrality is supported by 75% of Republicans (WaPo).

8. This means it’s less controversial than nearly everything.

9. Than abortion, LGBTQIA, guns, healthcare, Muslims, etc.

10. Net neutrality is LESS controversial than hating Trump.

11. When *AMERICANS* agree on something, it’s really rare.

12. 83% is a percentage represented by approximately 5/6.

13. The sixth person is invariably a soulless corporate shill.

14. History lesson time. Kick back: it’s going to be a long one.

15. Net neutrality is based on the common carriage concept.

16. Common carriage (CC) governs vital public infrastructure.

17. 1887: Interstate Commerce Act made CC federal statute.

18. 1910: ICA expanded to include telephone and telegraph.

19. 1934: Federal Communications Act established the FCC.

20. FCA Title II designated telecoms as… common carriers.

21. Common carriage makes carriers responsible for cargo.

22. This includes airlines, railroads, ships, trucks, freight, etc.

23. And? The Internet! Data is cargo. So? Protect the cargo!

24. 1996: Telecommunications Act revised broadcast services.

25. 2015: FCC designated broadband Internet common carrier.

26. There’s much more, but that’s enough for the basic history.

27. Today: FCC repeals Internet’s common carrier designation.

28. This will let ISPs throttle, overcharge, exploit, and censor.

29. The Senate could stop this with Congressional Review Act.

30. CRA resolution of disapproval needs simple Senate majority.

31. Trump can veto ROD, unless 2/3 of Congress veto his veto.

32. With GOP majority 115th Congress, this likely will not occur.

33. Federal court judge issued stay can also delay Title II repeal.

34. Also today: NY Attorney General files suit to reverse repeal.

35. AG Schneiderman’s office identified 2 million fake comments.

36. Where? On the FCC’s public comment webpage. True story.

37. Silver lining: this is the final nail in GOP’s coffin. 2018 is blue.

38. Today’s repeal is directly sourced from telecom lobby dollars.

39. Trumpocalypse Year 1 and Congress have been royal failures.

40. Millennials: saving net neutrality is the anthem going forward.

Long live net neutrality. Long live democracy. Long live the Internet.

August 2017. 4 years strong.


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Farooq (SF Ali) 📊🅿️Ⓜ️
The Startup

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