How to use the Incentivisation Calculator

A walkthrough guide to calculating transaction costs on the Sylo Network.

4 min readMar 4, 2022

The calculator has two sections, Inputs and Results.

In the Inputs section, you can describe your node, and the circumstances that your node will be running in.

Then, in the results section, the financial performance of your node under these circumstances on both Ethereum and CENNZnet is shown. This lets you compare the performance of your node on the two networks.


In this section, you describe both your own node, and also the rest of the Sylo Network. Rather than decide these values for you, we’ve set up the calculator so that you can test out your node in the situations that you think are most likely.

Your Node

You must decide how much SYLO is staked against your node..

This includes both your own staked SYLO (Node Runner Stake), and stake from other participants in the network who have decided to support your node (Delegated Stake).

You can use the slider to explore, or enter exact amounts by selecting “Custom”.

Sylo Network Parameters

You must decide two things:

  1. The Total Network Stake, which determines how much of the overall network your node represents — and therefore, how much work it will do, and earn from.
  2. The Weekly Network Revenue, which is determined by the amount of relay that the network is performing each week, as well as any network incentives.

You can use the slider to explore, or enter exact amounts by selecting “Custom”.

Results: Simple View

This section shows the profitability of your node on CENNZnet vs Ethereum. This is expressed as two numbers:

  1. Your Node’s APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is shown for you, the node operator, and for the delegated stakers of your node. The APY is the return on investment that your Sylo node will provide to the people who stake their Sylo into it.
  2. Your Node’s weekly profit, after on-chain expenses (such as gas costs), for both the node operator and for delegated stakers.

Results: Advanced View

This provides a more detailed breakdown of your node’s income and costs.

The Income section shows the node’s overall income from performing relay, before it is divided up between the node runner and delegated stakers.

The Expenses section shows the node’s expenses, from the perspective of the node runner. This includes the blockchain costs the node must pay to participate in the network, and the income that the node shares with it’s delegated stakers.

By comparing the on-chain costs, you can determine, for example, how much more expensive it is to run a node on Ethereum, compared to our new chain, CENNZnet.

This information is shown for the currently selected network — initially, this is CENNZnet.

The toggle above can be used to change which network is selected. Also, you can select whether to see weekly, monthly, or yearly information using the second toggle.

Inputs: Advanced Parameters:
The advanced parameters section contains other inputs that you can optionally control, by selecting “Custom”.

These parameters come in two flavors:

  1. Sylo Network smart contract parameters that affect the gas costs of the contracts. They are set to sensible values by default — we include these so that advanced users can explore the different ways the contracts could be configured on Ethereum to mitigate gas costs.
  2. External factors, such as exchange rates and Ethereum gas prices. These are set to the current price by default, but can be manually edited to explore “what if” scenarios.

