The Stoic Life: Run Towards Failures and Live a Simpler Life

My pro athlete sports blog on living through failure, uncertainty, and remaining Stoic through it all, which is basically, choosing your reaction in every moment.

Trevor Huffman
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2018


Finding Failure | by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

“The greatest portion of
peace of mind is doing nothing
wrong. Those who lack self-control
live disoriented and
disturbed lives.”
~ Seneca

“No. They will make it,” I thought. “This isn’t real.”

I was 16 when my parents divorced. It was the first real negative experience I had to deal with in my life (yes, white Patagonia-wearing Northern Michigan suburbia had its perks). I had to wrestle with ideas and questions that forced me to examine how I wanted to respond to an event that I’d never be able to ignore. At a young age, it forced me to question my philosophical and spiritual beliefs. Even to this day, I’ll always remember when my mother told me the news. We walked on a trail somewhere inside Fisherman’s Island campgrounds, and I was staring up at a flume of bonfire smoke shaking my head, pretending it wasn’t happening.

But it was happening, and I soon learned denial isn’t a…



Trevor Huffman
Ascent Publication

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.