Get The Most From Your Workouts With These 12 Smart Tips

The Productivity Revolution
4 min readAug 17, 2015

Life today is hectic and work days are long. Your job demands a lot from you and if you have to stay competitive, it’s important that your energy levels are high. The best way to do this is through regular exercise. It might seem like a chore at first, but by going to the gym and working out, your overall metabolism is boosted, which in turn, keeps you going even during stressful situations.

With busy schedules and never-ending work days, it is imperative that the time you spend in the gym gives you the results you are looking for. There is no magic formula that works for everyone when it comes to fitness. You need to figure out how your body reacts and keep fine tuning your workouts regularly. But there are some easy tips you can follow to make sure you get the best from your gym time. These 12 tips will help you make your workout more productive.

1. Avoid Rush Hour

Try going to the gym during off-peak hours. This way you don’t have to waste time waiting for equipment. A good way to do this is to find a gym close to your workplace and do a mid-day workout.

2. Find a Partner

Hitting the gym alone can be boring. Find a friend or a colleague who can workout with you. Your gym partner can help motivate you when you are feeling low and you can even engage in some healthy competition.

3. Set a Goal

Decide on your workout for the day before you hit the gym. Have a chart you can follow and note down the number of sets you need to do. This will also help you keep track of what routines work best for you.

4. Download an App

If you are not sure about what to do in the gym, download an app that can help you with your workout. There are several apps that can guide you with workout routines and help you monitor your progress.

5. Fuel Up

Never start your workout on a completely empty stomach. Have a pre-workout snack like an apple or peanut butter sandwich or a protein shake to get enough fuel for a killer workout.

6. Time your Rest

While rest between sets is important, a one-minute rest can easily stretch to three or four minutes. By being conscious about time, you can make sure your time at the gym is used well.

7. Interval Running

Interval training is always better that running constantly at one speed. Short bursts of intense running boosts metabolism, builds lean muscle, and burns more fat in less time. This applies for other exercises too.

8. Lift Slowly

When training with weights, most people contract their muscles gradually and then release more quickly. Lift slowly in both directions to maximize muscle growth.

9. Keep it Exciting

Following the same workout routine for a long time will demotivate you. Try out other forms for exercise once in a while. Sign up for yoga or a kick-boxing class or maybe a Pilates session. Shake off the routine and surprise your body.

10. Get a Trainer

If you don’t see results, consider hiring a trainer. Your trainer can give you a better approach to achieving your fitness goal and keep you motivated.

11. Stay Hydrated

Don’t forget to drink water regularly during your workouts. It not only keeps you hydrated but also fights fatigue. You will come out of the gym refreshed and ready to take on the world.

12. Sleep Well

This is the last tip and one of the most neglected ones when it comes to maintaining overall health. Your body is not a machine and it needs ample rest before it can spring back into performing well. So make sure you get a good night’s sleep.

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