HR: Start Your Next Change Initiative with a Vision and Shared Change Purpose.

Greg Roper, Ph.D.
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Have you ever felt like leading a team into uncharted territory? That’s similar to guiding a change initiative within a company. Just like early explorers, you need a clear direction and a shared purpose to keep everyone motivated and on track. In this case, the HR department can play a critical role by setting the course for success.

HR as the Leader: Setting the Direction

HR can be the driving force behind successful change. By focusing on how people, processes, and systems can add value to the business, HR can ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Vision and Shared Purpose: Your Anchors

Imagine a ship navigating a vast ocean. To reach its destination safely, it needs two things: a clear vision of where it’s going (the destination) and a shared purpose for the journey (why it matters). The same applies to change initiatives.

A strong vision describes the desired outcome of the change — what success looks like after the transformation. A shared purpose explains why the change is necessary and how it aligns with the company’s values. These two elements keep everyone focused and motivated throughout the journey.

Crafting Your Vision

Here are some key questions to consider when developing your vision and shared purpose:

  • Why Change? What problem are we trying to solve, and how does this change benefit the company and its employees?
  • Future State: Describe the ideal future after the change is implemented. Why is the current way no longer working?
  • Short-Term vs. Long-Term: Is this a temporary fix or a solution for a lasting problem?
  • Adaptability: How will this change help the company navigate future challenges?

Communicating Your Vision Clearly

  • Simple and Clear: Refine your vision and shared purpose into a concise, easy-to-understand message that everyone can remember and share.
  • Tailored Communication: Explain the vision differently to different audiences (CEO vs. managers). Focus on their priorities and how the change benefits them.

Benefits of a Strong Vision

  • Reduced Risk: A clear vision helps anticipate challenges and minimize risks during the change process.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: When everyone understands the goals and the “why” behind the change, they’re more likely to work together for a successful outcome.
  • HR Credibility: A strong vision demonstrates that HR understands the business and can provide valuable solutions that go beyond administrative tasks.

The Evolving Role of HR: People Operations

The role of HR is changing. Today’s HR professionals should be seen as strategic partners focused on the business’s success, not just paperwork processors. This evolving role is sometimes referred to as “People Operations.”

Final Thoughts

A clear vision and shared purpose are essential tools for leading successful change initiatives. By focusing on the business and using these strategies, HR can become a key player in driving positive change within the organization.

Call to Action

Use the tips and questions above to develop a strong vision and shared purpose for your next change initiative. By clearly communicating these elements, you can increase your chances of success and establish HR as a strategic leader in your organization.



Greg Roper, Ph.D.
Thrive Global

Engages on topics of interest in AI, Human Capital, OD, and Change Management.