A World Without Trust & Transparency Literally Leaves Money Floating Around

Where Does It Go? Is It Fair? Should We Be Bothered?

5 min readJul 11, 2018


WARNING: This text alliterates speech which some people may find offensive. However, we have all been there! We are all human. Frustration translated into words is what you are about to read . . . AKA strong language appears in this text. Like it, or lump it.


In this modern world, there are a hell of a lot of enterprises advantaging at the expense of other people. They believe it goes unnoticed, cover shit up with a pile of annoying and irritating paperwork that causes for eyes to roll and the brain to deter in the other direction.

It’s like a pesky firewall. If they don’t want to make it easy for you to get from stage-to-stage, they don’t have to. In fact, they can really go out of their ways to make your life as difficult as possible. And there is nothing more off-putting and dreaded than a giant pile of BULLSHIT.

Humans, As A Rule, Don’t Like To Feel Stupid

No one likes the thought of sitting and reading a pile of crap especially that of something which was written with the intention just to make people feel stupid. So companies and corporations act smart. They know that should they stick a pile of sheets with words in front of you, that it requires you to put a lot of time and effort into sitting down to tackle the work-load.

Another thing we hate. Work.


So when you finally have the space and sat with a cup of coffee, push your spectacles from hanging at the tip to the top of your nose, and get stuck the fuck in.

Then the trick of the mind kicks in. Procrastinate. ‘Look at the shiny thing.’ Anything but this!! Such thoughts that ONLY arrive from picking up the first page and glancing at the never-ending letters of gobbledygook.

The devil on the shoulder (who actually makes more sense) starts to talk to you:

“But honestly, what is this crap? Is it absolutely necessary? Must I sit and read sentences repeatedly because someone has deliberately chosen words that I now need go and grab my goddamn dictionary so as to understand this utter shit?”

Because oh — by the way — of course you need to get everything right and not make one single mistake!

Errors Will Be Punished.

Yes, you make a smudge, or you use the wrong colour pen or use a font that they don’t like (let’s face it, we are not experts at writing by hand anymore and really, actually get a little nervous when it comes to having to write something out physically!)


In some cases, you could get a serious slap in the face when it comes to them telling you that some absolute illiterate idiot in the back office couldn’t read your attempt and put a number five instead of a letter ‘S,’ and now, the whole thing is fucking forfeit.

But wait — there is a bigger picture here — I know it’s annoying, but let’s not get distracted.

What Is THE FUCK Is Actually Going On?

While you are spending your hard-earned money without questioning who will actually receive it and what the hell they will actually do with it — after having collected “not that much” from you, they are pocketing from the entire globe.

EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON (just like you) who couldn’t be bothered to go through the pain and stress of attempting to question what is really going on.



Because in the grand scheme of things, although this might only cost you a few bob, a few bob turns into millions of dollars. Moreover, these guys, (whoever, they are), are raking it in. AND they are laughing at you.

The sad thing?

They do, at this point, hold a lot of power — after years and years of keeping you dumbfounded and continuing to collect. They sit in their mansions eating from golden plates and wiping their ass with golden toilet paper, making money in their golden sleep — while you: faff around with the unfathomable pile of bollocks paperwork — trying to understand and memorize every damn regulation for every damn thing and get all of it right.


That’s right. They are trying to make you believe that you must achieve the damn impossible.

AND . . .

What can we do about it?

Digitize everything.

Yes, there is an answer.

Create hashes of transactions.

Make things fair and equal to everyone without the interruption or biased of human judgment, ignorance or downright retardedness. Have everything made simple, to the point and DONE.

With the art of blockchain keeping everything as it should be: Recorded.

And not only recorded — recorded right.

We really don’t have the excuse to fob people off with crap anymore.

When a transaction is made, it becomes a hash and voila! There it is, for everyone to see. It exists. It happened. It’s there. Stored safely, reliably AND for any need, it may need to serve in the future.


Oh, What A Wonderful World!

Also, so that people can connect and see the information they need to keep the flow, well, flowing! What moron would present an illogical reasoning for us to keep on keeping on with having connections that are missing links?

Still dots are yet to be joined with offices that need and should speak with each other, sharing the relevant information, yet, STILL, not they are not doing so?


It’s time to make things fair and pay for things properly.

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 9th July 2018

If you are feeling frustrated by the backward structure of paperwork presenting itself in situations that should blatantly be far easier, then please feel free to share your concerns with the Zkylos community. Write a comment in the box below to express your thoughts; we are tentatively waiting for the opinions of our supporters.

