Using Zoom APIs Version 2 with Postman

Tim Slagle
Zoom Developer Blog
3 min readDec 6, 2017

Postman is the complete toolchain for API development and testing. Its many features like importing collections and setting up environments make it easy to get started with testing a third party API. In this post, we will walk through the fastest way to set up and play around with Zoom’s APIs in Postman.

First make sure you have the latest version of Postman, as of this post it is v5.4.1

Import the Zoom API collection from GitHub using the OpenAPI specification. In the top toolbar click “Import” then select “Import From Link.” Enter in the path to the spec from GitHub and click "Import."

You should now have all of the APIs listed in your Postman tool under a collection called “Zoom API.”


Zoom API Version 2 utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. To use Postman with Zoom API, we need to provide it a JWT. The easiest way to do this is to head on over to and create one (you will first need to go to your developer account page and get your API key/secret to generate the token). Build your JWT on by populating the “Decoded” section with the following, replacing <API_KEY> and <API_SECRET> with your information, and setting “exp” in the payload to sometime in the future. In your Production implementation, we recommend setting “exp” to something short, like 60 seconds. In testing this could become annoying, having to update your token every minute, here use a value that seems appropriate like seven days, this is how often you will have to update Postman.

After you have your JWT, go back to Postman and edit the Zoom API collection.

On the “Edit Collection” screen, switch over to the Authorization tab. Change the type to Bearer and paste your JWT into the textarea on the left. Click Update.

Now let’s take a look at an API endpoint: List Users. In the Authorization tab, you should see Type set to “Inherit auth from parent,” and the message on the right lets you know that it is using the helper we just set up for the collection. Try clicking send.

You should get a successful response, and if you switch over to the Headers tab, you will see that the authorization header was automatically added to the request.

This should get you started quickly testing out the Zoom API with Postman. For more tips, such as setting up environment variables, please refer to the “Using Zoom API Version 1 with Postman” post.

