Which Push Lawn Mower Should you Invest in 2016?

Best Types to Choose from

2 min readFeb 11, 2014

Spring is just around the corner again – soon enough the birds will be chirping, the flowers will be budding, and we’re going to have to start cutting our lawns again. Whether you have a riding lawn mower or not, it’s always a good idea to have a push lawn mower as well.

Not only will it make a perfect backup in the event that your riding mower one breaks down suddenly and you only have a small chunk of yard left to cut, but it also comes in handy around garden beds and on hills. But there are so many different push mowers to choose from – gas, electrical, cordless electrical, and manual – it can be difficult to know which one to purchase.

If you’ve only got a small yard or only need a push mower for around more difficult areas, a gas powered mower would work just fine. They don’t require much maintenance and you won’t likely have to get it repaired often since it has fewer moving parts than its electric competitors. They do however have a life span of only a few years.

Black & Decker CM1936 19-Inch 36-Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower, with Removable Battery

Black & Decker CM1936 19-Inch 36-Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower

Alternatively, a manual lawn mower can go just about anywhere, is very safe, and will give you a great workout. Just remember not to let your grass get too long as the shorter it is, the easier it’s going to be to push the mower through.

An electrical mower has a cord that plugs into an outlet. The downside to this kind is that you’re only able to go as far as the cord does or resort to using and working around an extension cord.

A cordless electric mower is your best bet if you have to do a large space. It runs on a battery and is much quieter and ecofriendly than a gas mower. Some even have solar batteries so you can charge them naturally as well.

Click here for reviews of the top rated push lawn mowers available on the market!

