Adam Silver’s secret Twitter account

3 min readJun 3, 2017


Late Friday Adam Silver announced that he has a private twitter account that he uses to follow the NBA:

That lead me on a hunt to find his elusive account. The first thought I had would be that he would follow one of the NBA’s official accounts but most of those have millions of followers. I’m not going to be able to sift through all of those.

There is one NBA Twitter account though that doesn’t have a lot of followers: @NBAPR. However, it’s a protected account meaning you can’t see who follows that account unless they allow you to follow them. Normally.

I was able to get a list of the followers though, looking for accounts that stood out.

The first thing I looked for:

Silver wasn’t going to put any identifying information in his profile. But it was probably going to have a handle that would be familiar to him. So I started looking through the accounts and handles that would make the most sense for him while ruling out some weird accounts that were somehow approved to follow the official PR account of the NBA.

The first one that stood out to me was this one:

Why? One, it has NYC as the location. Two, it has the default avatar. Three, it’s a protected account. And finally, it follows a lot of people but doesn’t have many followers.

So what is Milton Point? Well, if you Google “Milton Point” and “Adam Silver,” you get this page.

On that page, it has details of Rye, NY. A notable person from Rye? Adam Silver:

Further down the page is a mention of Milton Point. Where’s Milton Point? In Rye, NY:

Since I can’t see who @MiltonPoint follows or who follows him, I had to see if anyone mentioned that account. And lo and behold:

I struck Silver.

Who is Owen Silver? None other than Adam Silver’s brother:

So not only is Adam Silver on twitter, he’s been lurking longer than most users, since 2008, reading all your tweets.

So you might want to check if @MiltonPoint is following you right now.


As Andy points out, @MiltonPoint follows @Climber.


Tweet from his brother:

