€50,000 Startup Pitch Contest at Blockchance Conference #BC19

2 min readJul 9, 2019


At this year’s Blockchance Conference there will be a Startup Pitch Session and Dr. Evan Luthra will donate an investment of €50,000.

If you would like to participate, please fill our application form and we will let you know on Aug 1 if you made it in the final round. The 10 best ideas will be invited to the Blockchance and have the opportunity to present their project in a 4 minute pitch and then answer the questions of our expert jury. We are looking forward to many applicants. Please only send us an application if you are able to travel to Hamburg on August 17 and pay your accommodation costs and €3.000 entry fee. Only companies that are personally presented at the conference can participate. each company in the final round gets 4 VIP 2day tickets worth €1.800 for free.

Fill the form here to join the contest > https://forms.gle/nKqUqNFPxQSDKtCb6

Evan Luthra has that rare and coveted ability to turn original ideas into businesses that are both innovative and profitable. At 23 years-old, he has an already impressive resume and career history. He started his journey as a serial entrepreneur as an adolescent and was bitten by the “digital bug” early and often. This forward thinking, technology-minded entrepreneur embarked on his first digital endeavour at just twelve years old by curating technology-related news, and he garnered a 250,000 readers in doing so.

“A good idea becomes a great idea when you let it out”

The Blockchance Conference 2019’s key topics are the future of economics and the future of society. It is about innovating, harmonizing and accompanying the socio-economic change associated with blockchain technology. Blockchance creates a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and success and shows deep insights into distributed ledger technology and blockchain universe. The conference will open its doors for corporate partners, innovators, developers, investors, politicians, media and an interested public for two days with an inspiring mix of expert talks, panel discussions, breakout sessions, exhibition zones, cultural programs, networking breaks and after glow parties.

> www.blockchance.eu




BLOCKCHANCE is Germany’s leading conference on blockchain, AI and sustainability and launches a media and education platform in 2021