2 min readJun 20, 2016



Do you know the difference between a Panini & Sandwich ? Yes, they are not the same . Every Panini is a Sandwich but every Sandwich is not a Panini. Confused ?

A Panini is actually an Italian name for sandwiches ( It’s a plural of Panino) . While a Sandwich in general represents anything between the two breads , Panini uses a specific Italian bread like Focaccia or Ciabatta. ( Focaccia is typically a flat bread while Ciabatta is baked as loaf bread. Ciabatta is made with a dough without oil. The other differences between these two breads can be found here.)

Champignon Eggy Panini , Frsh

Champignon Egg Panini from FRSH


Moist fillings need a different kind of bread that can hold those ingredients (specially wet cheese , Mayo , Steak , creamy spinach ) . A bread is an important ingredient in a Panini unlike Sandwich where the content inside is the king. The choice of a bread should also vary depending on whether you want the bread to contribute to the flavour of the sandwich or you want it to be neutral. Still wondering which bread to choose for your sandwich ? Check it out here .

A toast is another form of sandwich where the bread is specifically sliced , heated & sealed between two metal surfaces.

The post So, you think you know the difference between Panini & Sandwich ? appeared first on Ketchupp.

Originally published on Wordpress

