If ‘Black Lives Matter’, then stop race mixing!

5 min readMar 17, 2019
Interracial couple - Illustration by BLITISH

Race mixing, otherwise known as ‘miscegenation’, according to the Oxford dictionary is: “the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types [through marriage, cohabitation or sexual relations].” The historical context of the term meant that it typically implied disapproval, negativity, and an act which white supremacists fought against — and still do to this day. Hence why more neutral terms such as ‘interracial’, ‘inter-ethnic’ or ‘cross-cultural’ relationships are more common in contemporary usage.

‘If I date outside my black race, am I anti-black?’ — Anonymous

History tells us that interracial relations were once a taboo and even seen as an act of crime. Anti-miscegenation laws were first introduced in the late seventeenth century in North America to prevent white and black folks from marrying and entering into sexual relationships (see Loving v. Virginia). History also tells us that sexual relations between white and black people have not always been of a romantic nature, but instead a demonstration of the power possessed by plantation owners over their so-called ‘slaves’.

The slave master’s thirst.

Since the 16th Century, the black body has been seen as less than, on one hand, and an object to be fetishised over, on the…




A consolidation of the thoughts, experiences and lessons from life as a young black man (Ato) and a young black woman (Ope) living in Britain - inc. some poetry