React and JSS: tips from a one-year journey

More than one year ago we started a new project: a universal SPA based on React and Redux. One of the first choices to make was: “how do we handle stylesheets?”. We gave a chance to JSS. 60+ components later, it has been the best experience we had with stylesheets so far. Here are some technical solutions we adopted and the overall feedback.

Dario Ghilardi
1 min readOct 4, 2017

I was initially skeptic about the CSS-in-JS solutions that were recently gaining popularity. Probably I was overestimating the benefits of working with a toolset that I already knew, SASS, compared to the many benefits JSS brings to a React project. Anyway, after some internal team discussions, we decided to give JSS and its React integration (react-jss) a chance.

At the beginning not everything was straightforward: here is how we managed to solve some of the problems we discovered.

I decided to leave Medium and move my articles to my personal blog.

You can read the rest of this article here.



Dario Ghilardi

Passionate software engineer, trail runner, traveler. Insanely affected by lifelong learning. @darioghilardi