Virtual reality will never be the same with Apple Vision pro

It will change forever the industry.

Robert Buscher
2 min readFeb 4, 2024

Apple Vision Pro has recently been launched, and I already think it will change the virtual reality industry forever. It’s as if everyone was waiting for a competitor that revolutionized the industry. Maybe Apple is the one.

Picture of an Apple Vision Pro on a table.
The Vision Pro will revolutionize the industry.

There are already plenty of areas in which the headset can be useful, in the world of work and entertainment. You’re going to tell me that with other headsets, you could do it too. Yes, but now technological innovation makes it possible.

A truly capable headset

When it comes to technological innovations, the headset is certainly not lacking in them. The feature that lets you operate the headset using your eyes is truly impressive. I have a real dystopian feel with this headset. There’s also hand control for navigating the system. Not to mention the 4K screens for each eye that make the difference between the real world and the world through the helmet impossible.

The headset is more capable than any other headset. Before, a virtual reality headset was often designed for gaming. Now, the door to entertainment is open. It’s a pity that YouTube or Netflix aren’t yet accessible because that could be a real selling point. I’m sure though there will be more apps to come.

The world of work is now open. It’s not for nothing that they call that the era of Spatial Computing. Before, we were much less productive with a VR headset. That’s still true today, but it’s bound to change over time with Vision OS, which is superbly well thought-out.

Picture of the Apple Vision pro virutal keyboard.
The innovations of the headset are numerous.

A human headset

Apple has tried to make the headset more human. With the “Eyesight” feature, you can see the eyes of someone wearing the headset. I don’t think this is a game-changer. I think it’s a failure. At least, there’s an attempt to make the headset more human. And wanting to make the headset more human already makes it more human than any other headsets out there.

I just can’t wait to see what people think of the Apple Vision Pro. What people think of it.



Robert Buscher

Fitness enthusiast. On a journey to gain muscle and sharing my tips.